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I have some packets of HRT - Estradiol in 2 brands

Kliovance 1mg containing Estradiol 1mg and 0.5 Norethisterone total tablets = 168 tables

Kliofem 2mg containing 2mg Estradiol and 1mg Norethisterone total tablets = 84 tablets

If you double the dose of Kliovance (2 x 1) there is enough for 3 months, also the kliofem is equal to 3 months

Personal reasons for sale.

Willing to sell the whole lot for £90 including postage (UK ONLY) cannot post overseas due to customs reasons sorry.

This is a bargain at this price just google the item brand names


Hello All,

Just to let you know this has now sold, thank you to the member who bought this.


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