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Nipple pumps


So I want my nipples larger. I am using cheap nipple suction things. How often should I do this? And how long before they start to change?  Any chance at Lactation?  Thanks in advance. Love you all

Lactation...yes, but it will take a while.  You must put suction to the nipples as you vigorously message them (push and pull on suction cups).  To start it must be at least 4 times a day for a minimum of 15 minutes each nipple.  It will probably take about six weeks to 8 weeks.  Taking galactagogues like Shatavari, Fenugreek, and Goats Rue will help.  Use Saw Palmetto to reduce your testosterone.  Homeopathic prolactin is available on line.  After a few weeks of pumping, start with the prolactin or Domperidone.  I'm not a doctor.  I'm just telling you what worked for me.  I'm not recommending anything.
    I started out with a few milky drips after pumping (six weeks in).  Finally, one morning I could actually squeeze a nipple and a small spray would erupt.  I chickened out and quit the program.  I've started again.  I'm going on three weeks into the pumping.  I'm using the supplements and have ordered the prolactin.
    I wish you luck.  I've known others have achieved several tablespoons a day...and they're still going.  The more milk you secrete, the more milk  you make.

where do you order prolactin and domperidone from

(22-06-2024, 01:06 PM)Ninja Wrote:  where do you order prolactin and domperidone from

I second that question !

What if I don’t take anything and just pump my nipples. Can I lactate?

Beth, if you try really really hard and be consistent... probably not. you need to imitate a newborn suckling, not just apply vacuum pressure. you might be able to science the absolute **** out of it with tens units and advanced milk pumps, but that wouldn't just be "pumping the nipples", now would it? do some research, find somebody who tried it, it's a paved road, you just should figure out what toll you want to pay.

It's definitely not impossible. if you happen to have somebody who just loves sucking on your breasts, daily and hopefully very frequently throughout the day, that helps it along greatly.


(22-06-2024, 01:06 PM)Ninja Wrote:  where do you order prolactin and domperidone from
A company called "Perensis"

I am worried I will lose erections. I don’t want that. It would be nice to lactate but not at the cost of not being able to satisfy my wife if needed. I hope by just using the nipple suction at least will nipples will get bigger. Love you guys

(23-06-2024, 07:01 PM)Beth14 Wrote:  I am worried I will lose erections. I don’t want that. It would be nice to lactate but not at the cost of not being able to satisfy my wife if needed. I hope by just using the nipple suction at least will nipples will get bigger. Love you guys
Oh yeah, your nipples will get bigger in the process of trying to induce lactation. in fact, assuming you aren't, like, wanting to go on HRT or get huge breast development, you will probably like all of the side effects of trying to induce without dom. if you are wanting good breast development with HRT, probably do that first, inducing lactation can sometimes sort of stunt that. but you will gett a size boost because of your body preparing the little alveoli and lobules for making milk.

hope this helps


Ok. Final two questions. 
1- if I use nipple suction 4 times a day 15-20 minutes a day, will my nipple lengthen?  Will it be permanent
2- what is the best suction devices for me?
Thank you all so much.

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