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A Little More Backstory . . . On Me!


I felt inspired to share a little more about myself, which will explain more about my present journey.  Perhaps some of you are curious and can relate to my experience.

As I wrote in "Prequel:  Why I Chose Feminization", in my late teens/early 20s I was anorexic (but not bulimic).  I was 5'10" and 93 lbs.  Anorexia disrupts your hormones so I was probably very low on T, and because I wasn't eating enough there were insufficient building blocks for strong male muscle growth.  My ribs were noticeable, and my arms and legs were painfully thin.  Because of the anxiety and fear, I was running on cortisol, which is very destructive.  So I was frail, underdeveloped, and totally bewildered.  I felt terrible, all day.  Anorexia also changes the brain, just as MTF HRT does, but in a bad way.

Because "time heals all wounds", I eventually got over the anorexia and started gaining weight.  However, I was still quite thin with no real physique.  Somewhere I read that if you massage your chest with lavender oil and fenugreek, your chest will develop, and small "moobs" are often indistinguishable from pecs.  So I did that, and sure enough I was looking better! 

I was also gaining more weight.  Then one day I looked in the mirror and I said, "You look like a bikini girl!"  My thighs and abdomen had lovely feminine curves!  My skin was becoming very soft, I was experiencing changes in sexual response and I was feeling dreamy and calm.  And loving it!  I started on Pueraria Mirifica, and feminization continued.  I was growing larger, more feminine breasts with nipples that now get sexually aroused!  It feels so right, so nice, so exciting and now I'm totally addicted!


Because I was so thin and non-masculine, it didn't take much to feminize me.  Having had anorexia "helps" (if that's the right word) because it permanently changes the body.  You can see evidence of it in my arms and calves which are still extremely thin, but smoothed out now because of the feminization.  They look very much like a petite girl's.  I suspect that it would be very hard, maybe impossible for a normal mesomorph or endomorph genetic male to achieve this kind of result.


Anorexia is a horrible disease--5% to 20% of those who have it will die.  I'm glad I got over it.  I hope you are grateful that I survived and able to be here with you.  Even now I have to be very disciplined in my eating, with an emphasis on regular times, healthy food, and some tasty high-calorie "junk" to keep my calories up and keep me interested in eating.  I still want to be very thin, but with enough new fat to create even more lovely feminine features. "So you're anorexic--agoraphobic--delicate, sensitive, graceful, and feminine."  Yes, and I'm turning those negatives into positives!

I'm starting with a new product that a commenter on BN told me about.  It seems to produce wonderful-feeling, feminizing effects.  I want to use it for a while to make sure the effects are real and significant.  I'll tell you more about it in a future thread.

I love all of you and our shared experience.  I love to read your comments!

-Graceful Curves


(15-07-2024, 04:55 PM)Graceful Curves Wrote:  I felt inspired to share a little more about myself, which will explain more about my present journey.  Perhaps some of you are curious and can relate to my experience.

As I wrote in "Prequel:  Why I Chose Feminization", in my late teens/early 20s I was anorexic (but not bulimic).  I was 5'10" and 93 lbs.  Anorexia disrupts your hormones so I was probably very low on T, and because I wasn't eating enough there were insufficient building blocks for strong male muscle growth.  My ribs were noticeable, and my arms and legs were painfully thin.  Because of the anxiety and fear, I was running on cortisol, which is very destructive.  So I was frail, underdeveloped, and totally bewildered.  I felt terrible, all day.  Anorexia also changes the brain, just as MTF HRT does, but in a bad way.

Because "time heals all wounds", I eventually got over the anorexia and started gaining weight.  However, I was still quite thin with no real physique.  Somewhere I read that if you massage your chest with lavender oil and fenugreek, your chest will develop, and small "moobs" are often indistinguishable from pecs.  So I did that, and sure enough I was looking better! 

I was also gaining more weight.  Then one day I looked in the mirror and I said, "You look like a bikini girl!"  My thighs and abdomen had lovely feminine curves!  My skin was becoming very soft, I was experiencing changes in sexual response and I was feeling dreamy and calm.  And loving it!  I started on Pueraria Mirifica, and feminization continued.  I was growing larger, more feminine breasts with nipples that now get sexually aroused!  It feels so right, so nice, so exciting and now I'm totally addicted!

Because I was so thin and non-masculine, it didn't take much to feminize me.  Having had anorexia "helps" (if that's the right word) because it permanently changes the body.  You can see evidence of it in my arms and calves which are still extremely thin, but smoothed out now because of the feminization.  They look very much like a petite girl's.  I suspect that it would be very hard, maybe impossible for a normal mesomorph or endomorph genetic male to achieve this kind of result.


Anorexia is a horrible disease--5% to 20% of those who have it will die.  I'm glad I got over it.  I hope you are grateful that I survived and able to be here with you.  Even now I have to be very disciplined in my eating, with an emphasis on regular times, healthy food, and some tasty high-calorie "junk" to keep my calories up and keep me interested in eating.  I still want to be very thin, but with enough new fat to create even more lovely feminine features. "So you're anorexic--agoraphobic--delicate, sensitive, graceful, and feminine."  Yes, and I'm turning those negatives into positives!

I'm starting with a new product that a commenter on BN told me about.  It seems to produce wonderful-feeling, feminizing effects.  I want to use it for a while to make sure the effects are real and significant.  I'll tell you more about it in a future thread.

I love all of you and our shared experience.  I love to read your comments!

-Graceful Curves
I wonder what have you been taking then?

Estriol cream.  Nadi (on here) told me about it.  She used it and developed curvy, feminine hips.  I think it does even more than that (for me), but stay tuned . . . Smile

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