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Hi all,
I’ve asked before, but said I’d ask again just in case there have been changes. 

I’m 6’4”; 22, 120kg. Looking to get to breast buds and maybe a little bit larger (I already have quite large man-boobs). 

I was wondering if the following would be enough to see results:
5mg Finasteride (prescription, easily obtained to treat hair loss)

Xmg Pueraria Mirifica from ainterol (open to suggestions here, like 1500mg/day to start as I’ve taken before without issue). 

Would just those two be enough or should I add some more?

Thanks in advance for your help!

NB: While I realise at my age conventional HRT might be better, I’d like to try the herbal route first

Have you asked on the PM Page? I know nothing of PM except it works for some but may cause DVT.

I haven’t! I’ll X-post now!

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