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How to lose weight?


I'm obese (268lb, 170cm).
If I was to ever realistically crossdress (panties! suspender belts! skirts! bras!!) or have a change to look hot with small breasts, I would like to look fit.

What's the deal?
Does estrogen make a person fat? If so, doesn't aromatase make them fat too?
If NBE increases estrogen, won't that make it worse?
Does DHT helt with weight loss?

I used to subscribe to the Calories In, Calories out hypothesis but no longer sure.
Keto was the only thing that made me lose weight, and I'm sure I was eating a lot more calories than I was burning.
I want to do keto again but am finding it harder to stay motivated.
Who wants to help me stay motivated?

I feel for ya, a loosing weight can be extremely difficult.
What works best for me is my version of an alternate day fasting, basically:
- cut out all the crap / biscuits/snacks etc
- eat sensibly for 3~4-days then 1-day limit to c.500 calories, then repeat.

Along, with 3~4 times/week at the gym doing spin/aqua aerobics / legs bums tums or yoga

The only problem is I have to switch my mindset so that I'm in the mood to do, I'm usually OK getting back into the exercise or the alt day fasting but really struggle to get my mind into doing both each week!

Good luck

I'm going to give you a recommendation.

First, there's eleventy billion ways to do this.
There's way more BS out there than good info. Good nutritionists and trainers are actually pretty rare.
Everyone reacts to nutrition and exercise differently.

All that said, my go to guy is Ben Carpenter. You can find him on YouTube. He's very knowledgeable, doesn't push his supplements and acknowledges that there are in fact more than one way to lose weight. He wrote a very highly regarded book on the subject. That I haven't read. FWIW.

I'm on 16/8 Intermittent Fasting, coupled with high volume, high intensity weight training. I went from 250 to 190. 


I did that over three years. IF works for me but I'm of the opinion that it does because I'm actually eating fewer calories and no late evening snacks (absolutely no food after 8 pm no matter what). YMMV. I believe weight loss is a lot like growing breasts. Slow and steady are the keys. To put the cherry on top though, in spite of what some suggest to the contrary, my weight loss (35% body fat to 17%) was between the ages of 61 and 64. And I've kept the weight off for an additional 18 months. 

For pure weight loss, I recommend taking a look at Ben and his advice. Be aware. He drops a lot of F bombs. A lot. 

A lot.

Hi Blue,

Thank you for posting about Ben Carpenter. I have bookmarked him for later viewing!


Thanks for the recommendation for the youtube videos, will watch.
I found the old image for sissy training back in the day when we had that chan board, did some leg / butt exercises yesterday and I need to do cardio rather than heavy weights.
And I need to stop with the snacks and chocolate.

I have tried a lot of different diets in my life of on and off obesity. Truthfully I have always been obese, to the extent varies. Largest 340 lowest 185. I am 5'8" and should be around 135, that's never going to happen, but I digress.

I went on Weight Watchers (WW) a few months back after she has been having success with it. If you don't eat healthy you will have to change a to a healthy diet,we eat healthy but we over indulged in the wrong foods.

WW is a point based diet based on what you eat, I have been on it for about 2 months now and lost 20 lbs. I like it because it is sustainable and I only get hungry if I am eating a late meal.

(22-07-2024, 03:48 PM)prostatenipple Wrote:  I'm obese (268lb, 170cm).
If I was to ever realistically crossdress (panties! suspender belts! skirts! bras!!) or have a change to look hot with small breasts, I would like to look fit.

What's the deal?
Does estrogen make a person fat? If so, doesn't aromatase make them fat too?
If NBE increases estrogen, won't that make it worse?
Does DHT helt with weight loss?

I used to subscribe to the Calories In, Calories out hypothesis but no longer sure.
Keto was the only thing that made me lose weight, and I'm sure I was eating a lot more calories than I was burning.
I want to do keto again but am finding it harder to stay motivated.
Who wants to help me stay motivated?

Im sorry for not giving you a motivation boost or something like that. But what i can do, is give you a sure fire way to lose weight.
Take keto as an example. The reason why it works is really simple. You eat low calorie foods. And because you now eat low calorie foods, you can eat a lot more food before you reach a calorie surplus (you are more likely to have your stomach explode). So… Technically speaking, calories in, calories out, is how you lose weight. It’s not some hypothesis. You just need a diet and lifestyle that reduces the intake and increases the output. How you do this can be a where most people loses it. Since the research can be very overwhelming. You can do stuff like exercise, detox, fasting and many others to help you out. But its not the root cause. I believe the root cause is in the diet. Because you are what you eat (literally). So if you strip a healthy diet down to its roots, down to the basics of the basics, then there are only 2 things you need to do.

1. No seed/ vegetable oils. - No seed oils of any kind. No unrefined bullshit (Unrefined can be worse in some cases). There are some very special cases where this does not count, but use this as a general rule. Some of the special cases are olive oil, avocado oil and peanut oil. But this is something you should research yourself, since it’s way too much science involved as to why these are allowed.

2. No sugar. - No sugar means no sugar. If you think you can get away with no sugar coke, then you need to go back to school. I think you have a lot left to learn. Only exceptions to this rule are honey and fruits.
But keep in mind that most fruits are technically genetically modified to be more sweet and sugary. Which is why I don’t recommend too much of it. Honey is almost the same, but is the best way to help a sore throat. So only use it when you need it.

That’s it. If you do these two things, then you have reached very close to the threshold of the optimal diet. And I can now give you a 100% guarantee that you’ll lose a lot of fat. If not all of it.

But if this sounds easy to you, then think again. It took me more than a decade to have zero sugar in my diet. Its like your body cannot function without sugar. And I believe its the worst addiction to befall humanity. But if you manage to consistently avoid seed oils and sugar from this point on, or have been doing it for a long period of time already, then give yourself a big tap on the shoulder. You have fought or are fighting against something unimaginable to many. An addiction so strong that it has rooted itself deep down to your very bones. I know it’s not easy. But your body and children will thank you.

Now some additional tips to help you out with eating healthy.

- Big and few meals. You have to be crazy to eat 4 or 5 meals a day (at least in my opinion). Just like everything else, you need to rest. The stomach is not some kind of magic machine that turns food into energy. It cannot function properly if it never gets any downtime. Remember that your stomach is filled with acid. And that acid needs to stabilize itself between every single meal. So please try to be hungry once in a while. I really recommend 2 meals a day. And when i say two I mean it! No snacks in between. Just two. Not only do you give your stomach the time it needs to adjust itself, you also get the effects of fasting (to some degree) if you space the meals far apart fro each other.

- Once again, Big meals. You almost have to make big meals if you want to stay healthy. Unless you have a personal chef (a wife). No person can work for 8 hors and use almost 4 hours a day just to make some proper meals. So make them big. Stews are one of the best examples of this, as you can make a lot and store the rest in the fridge or freezer. You now have dinner for the next few days. So if you want to make pizza for example, make a lot, and freeze them down. Your time spent won’t be wasted.

Here’s a great video that can give you a little insight on the recent history of seed / vegetable oils

And here’s what i believe to be the best research so far on the effects of sugar on the human body. It may be old, but as they say, old but gold.

Thats about it. Good luck

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Keto Diet
Intermittent Fasting
High Intensity Interval Training Exercise
Stop Eating Processed Foods

You'll lose weight.

I lost 50 pounds over the last few years and it's stayed off. Granted, I don't do H.I.I.T., but if I did, then that would get rid of the remaining stubborn pounds. But the weight has remained off and I still continue to slowly lose weight.

Excess weight is a huge factor in limiting breast growth. Lotus has written extensively about this subject in the Project-X thread. Do a keyword search within that thread for topic results.

Watch Dr. Berg. Do a deep dive on his YouTube channel. It's full of vital information and the guy is just amazing for the wealth of knowledge that he shares regarding the health of our body. He's easy to learn from, too.

One thing that is vital for anyone struggling with weight loss, is cleaning your liver. Modern diets full of garbage ingredients will clog your liver. Alzheimer's, Cancer, Diabetes and a host of other ailments originate in the liver. If you want to live a healthy life, clean your liver. You can die from cirrhosis of the liver, and not ever drink a drop of alcohol. Modern bullshit foods will destroy your liver. I can't emphasize this enough.

Best of Luck to You

I concur! A healthy liver is a healthy man.

Dr Eric Berg gives very helpful tips on diet and general health. You also have Dr Sten Ekberg. Both share almost the exact same knowledge, but in their own ways. So check them out, and see who you like the best.

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