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New Program


When I started NBE I was just looking to enhance my breasts and look better in my dresses, skirts and other pretty outfits, also to match how I feel.

Over the past 2 years I have been on a BO program, I am very happy with the results, I even posted a couple of pictures of how my figure has changed, taking on a more feminine look.

After much thought and weighing the pros and cons, I decided to cut out BO, at least for the next 3 to 6 months, maybe for good, IDK.

Yesterday I started on 2mg of estradiol 2 times a day,  sublingual and one 0.5 mg dutasteride once a day, under a doctors care of course. It seems like a nice low dose and will slowly finish up the changes I strive for, however probably much quicker than BO.

I figured if I was going to be taking BO for extended period of time without a doctors care it would be better to try HRT under a doctors care. Fortunately insurance covers most of the cost minus copay.

My body is already halfway there I might as well fine tune it  Blush . I believe my workout routine and diet will become more important now, I feel HRT may make weight gain easier than BO.

Wish me luck. Or shun me. Whichever makes you feel better. I just thought I would share this with the group.
Heart  Heart

Congratulations on the switch. You'll soon be glad you did when E2's calm starts to flow within you.

One thing to know and remember that many who are on NBE/HRT fail to give credence to is how much that Growth Hormone plays a part in our feminization program.

As we age our natural GH drops significantly, and some of the easiest things that we can do to give our NBE/HRT program a boost is promoting GH.

You can do this by simple intermittent fasting, and a huge boost to GH can be from High Intensity Interval Training.

Another good option for us older members is Citicoline. It's known for being a memory booster, but it also boosts GH.

FYI .... I found that tablets dissolve a little slower dosing them Buccally, (between the cheek and gum), than taking them sublingually. Plus, it minimizes the risks or amounts that you actually swallow, (which will lead to an increase in E1).

Congratulations again, tomi. I'm sure that you're going to enjoy the switch to HRT.

Congratz for the switcheroo. Big Grin

I also recommend you look into the HGH + IGF-1 boosting stuffs as those can absolutely enchance your HRT results. Especially for anyone over fifty years old as that's where those levels have dropped quite a bit and its quite easy to help it. Look into some of the amino acids that boost growth hormone.

Thanks Stevenator and DiDi,

I do a lot of high intensity cardio training, so it will be easy to add the interval part. I'll look into and add the other supplements. I've decided to stay off the BO at least until I do my check-up labs in December. Didi, I know you said you have added BO to your program, so I know it doesn't hinder things,I just want clean labs.

I appreciate the good advice.


I think its a good idea to do a sort of receptor reset when you're starting HRT, then after a while, start adding what pieces of NBE you want to it. I did with BO that I started from small dose, tested higher, went a bit down again and then worked my way up quite slowly. Same with other stuff, add one thing at a time on small doses and then work it up. You can then easily keep track of body changes and any side effects.

Like for example you could do changes or add things once or twice a month or so. I've noted fifteen days being the shortest time to tell if something's working or not. Typically it takes longer, but I have a tendency to react quickly.

Clean slate with starting labs is a good idea. There wont be anything messing it up so you can right away tell how well your HRT is working. Also keep in mind that estrogen etc., levels are not one size fits all situation, some doctors tend to read the numbers like its some ultimate truth on this when it really is not. Follow your body changes and mental state, that'll tell you quite a bit already. Big Grin

I think my body reacts slowly to the changes, when I started BO I didn't notice any mental changes for at least 3 months, even then I thought maybe I might be imagining it, physical changes started at about 12 months. I didn't realize how much BO had helped my mental state until I stopped and I felt kinda empty so I started back up. Right now I don't miss it at all, so the estradiol must be taking it's place, because I don't have that empty feeling.

Being a recovering alcoholic I can say it wasn't withdrawal from BO, withdrawals suck. I guess I was born to live between two genders, because I feel a completeness now, I enjoy being a man but I also being a woman. It probably sounds crazy to anyone reading this, but maybe I am. I fight wildland fires for a living so an argument can be made about my sanity Big Grin

Thanks again for the good feedback.

So you're likely slow to adapt, good to know later down the road so that you wont think something doesn't work, just keep at it and see what happens. Big Grin Interesting that you mention feeling of emptiness which BO alone could fix? Because I felt same when starting HRT and when I added BO, it felt like something that was previously missing somehow was there, as if it did some sort of balancing that convnetional HRT alone didn't do. I wish I knew every tiny scientific detail of what and how, but that's what it did.

I think it might be a good idea to do both, not only for body changes, but for the mental effect too. I'm planning on keeping low dose BO going even when I'll ease down on most NBE stuff, its just that good.

Are you plannign staying on pills for your estradiol for now or thinking about switching methods at some point? If you're consistent, buccal or sublingual estrogen should work quite well, but obviously it can't have the same percentage not metabolising through liver as injection or gel. Just thinking about the health effects as transdermal or injected is always better. You have a very good reason to be careful with your liver health so this might be something to think about. Another nice little trick is milk thistle which boosts prolactin and is said to be good for liver function. I keep worrying about this myself as I used to drink quite heavily when I was younger, thankfully not to the point of addiction.

Congratulations. Can't wait to follow you on the next part of your journey.

(17-08-2024, 03:43 PM)CM213 Wrote:  Congratulations. Can't wait to follow you on the next part of your journey.
Thank you!

I used to drink quite heavily, when I went from heavy to full blown alcoholic I would use milk thistle religiously, it worked well keeping my liver healthy, I went on a cruise once and really slacked off on my milk thistle, maybe I forgot it, I don't remember, but I had labs when I got home and my doctor was so concerned with my liver function she sent me in for a further testing, by then I started milk thistle again my liver function was normal again, I can't say enough about the medicinal properties of milk thistle and liver health, I started taking it again when I started NBE because of high dose BO.

But to answer your question, I will probably move to injection after a year or two, once we see where I am at. I am not transitioning but I want to keep a feminine shape, so that will probably take some finess. I like how well the BO worked shaping my body thus far, but 1200 mg a day is a lot of work for my old liver and more expensive than 38.00 for 3 months. If I start back up on BO, it will probably 250 to 500 mg a day. But right now I'm in a good place.

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