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27M Looking for help + pictures


Hello everyone, I'm new here and have been reading through this forum nonstop since I found it! 
I've done some research and wanted to share what supplements I've purchased, as well as the outcomes I'm hoping for.

My ultimate goals are to encourage some minor budding, improve my skin and hair, support prostate health, and reduce the size of my pp. For reference, I'm 27 years old, 182 cm tall, and weigh about 60 kg.

To start, I'm aiming to be cautious and take a safer approach. Here's the supplement lineup I've chosen:
  • Yango - White Peony Root (5% Paeoniflorin) - 470mg, 1 capsule per day
  • Swanson - Red Clover Blossom - 430mg, 1 capsule per day
  • Swanson - Saw Palmetto - 540mg, 1 capsule per day

In addition to these supplements, I'm planning to incorporate grapefruit juice and add fenugreek to my yogurt in the mornings.

Given this regimen, can I expect to see any effects? I'm aiming to avoid any potential side effects like liver issues or blood clots, so I'm being mindful of not overdosing on these capsules. Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!

I love you all!  Heart

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Hi Emily,
Your program looks good. Looks like you did your homework reading up on the recommed programs.

What are your end goals? Your picture looks very nice, the dress is very pretty and fits you well, that's always a good starting point.

Best of luck!

I really hope to see some budding, preferably perky. im hoping for a more comfortable self, less body hair (even though i have little growth today), better hair, better skin, some fat distribution towards my butt and hip area. Also I don't mind going flat and such with my private parts but still having the opportunity to get kids in the future. ❤❤

I realise this is all maybe extreme things, I dont expect much with this regime.  But Id love to hear more input on things to add/remove to get those goals closer to a reality. ?

Welcome to the forum. Big Grin

You got such a nice start! Your shape is quite feminine already. Avoiding health issues isn't too difficult, just dig into all awesome information here, take warnings seriously and don't overdo anything in a way that could mess up your health. I'm better giving advice than following it myself though. Usually moderation isn't that difficult and finding sensible dosings and such is quite easy too. But then again, playing too safe might not give wanted results. Always a question of balance.

Happy growing. Hug

You both are so sweet! Thank you both for the encouragement and kind comments!

This stuff feels kinda overwhelming, Im reading up on something and think I get it until I realise I'm actually not getting it at all. I guess trying to take in all the information makes you bit dizzy after a few hours :p

I guess my main concern with this is: 
If lets say Im 3 weeks in and it's not giving any results how would I possible know what I'm getting wrong, do you all just trial untill it works? My instict if it wouldn't work - to add more estrogenic herbs. So maybe up the red clover dosage to 2 pills a day and feel your body?

Again thank you for the sweet comments Smile

You can't know before you try things out for long enough. Shortest time I know for myself to show any changes is about two weeks and that's lucky, that's fast. Typically 1-3 months is what it takes to know if something's effective or not. Try to read how its been for others on the forum and you'll get quite realistic picture of it.

Also keep in mind that herbal NBE alone will be slow and gradual, it is unlikely to give huge results quickly. So many people here have big dreams and they think its fast and dramatic all the time, when its extremely unlikely to be so. Patience is your best friend when it comes to growing boobs. Big Grin

I'm not a good example because I'm an outlier with both pace and extent of the changes which was already evident before conventional HRT. But its very telling on what things are found out to work really well. And I've been the test lab for a lot of the cool science stuff put out here for last few years. The extent of the information here is overwhelming and it takes a while to get a clear picture of it all. There's no way around it I guess, I've spend endless hours reading and taking notes of everything... Four years and counting and not everything is still done and figured out.

You can easily up your clover dosage. Most estrogenic herbs are really mild. PM is strongest of the known ones which get attention here, but it has its problems.

Thank you didi! you are so sweet, sorry for my uninformed questions! 

I was planning to do this for 3months straight. Starting this whenever i get it, maybe adding 600mg fenugreek to it aswell. hoping after 3 months to have gained some budding and other effects.

Is this setup lacking somethig obvious? reading my goals is there anything obvious missing? what are y'alls thoughts?  Heart

Hello and welcome!  I'm new as well, and just starting. 

I'm not taking the red clover (yet) but I'm also taking the saw palmetto and the white peony.  Here's my combo so far:

Saw Palmetto, 900mg one dose, then 450mg in a second dose
Fenugreek, 3000 mg split into three 1000 mg doses a day
Fennel, 1440 mg split into three 480 mg doses a day
White Peony (10% Paeoniflorin I think), 500 mg daily
Hops, 340 mg daily
Cimetidine, 200mg daily

I've been looking at the red clover but hadn't ordered any yet.

With the exception of taking extra saw palmetto (one extra capsule), everything I've listed is at the recommended dosages on the bottles that I bought.  Like you I'm cautious about liver damage or blood clots- Didi mentioned the PM- yeah I am staying away from that for the time being, though I might try a cream later on.  You might have already noticed PM and licorice are two that can do some real damage if you get too crazy with them.  PM has given members here blood clots, if I'm recalling threads correctly. 

Slow going, with the herbs, by all accounts as Didi said.  I haven't been taking my regimen for too long, but I do feel a bit.. fuller.  But nothing I'm willing to call budding.  But it's been less than a month for me.  I'm thinking herbals might work well and faster than expected on me, because I'm coming from a position of probably already having low T levels.  Of course this is all assuming I don't get impatient and get hold of estrogen creams- something I'm already considering.

The cimetidine is part of a acid reflux regimen, I take a PPI in the mornings, and an H2 blocker at night, and cimetidine has the best track record of gynecomastia as a side-effect.  I mention that because the desire for breast growth has caused me to not just look at what sort of supplements to buy, but what other things can I do, or switch to, that are more likely to have breast growth as a side effect?  Like the cimetidine- I have to take something for acid reflux; I'm not taking anything I can't take with cimetidine (like warfarin), so I should incorporate that (instead of one of the other '-dine's).  I get the impression that with the herbal approach I have to think much more of every little nudge that eventually tips the scale and causes budding.  I have varioceles- that's known to lower T (in my mid fifties I even had hot flashes)- partly because of blood supply, and maybe also because extra heat- well, I'm wearing warmer underwear these days, again, little nudges.  Herbals are hormonal coercion, not brute force, it definitely seems from everything I read here.

Quote:maybe adding 600mg fenugreek to it aswell

Add the fenugreek!   I think there's a thread here- need to find it again and update- where someone stated FG was making them feel a little fuller right behind the nipple (not actual budding, just more volume) and already I'm inclined to agree, I seem to have a little more volume- but then it could be something else I'm taking.  Still, it's not going to hurt to try- far as I know FG is fairly safe, I mean the directions from the manufacturer have me taking 3g a day, and if it seems safe I'll probably go up on that after a while. 

Don't discount essential oils- I'm using lavender and tea tree, both of which were linked to gyne in teenage males, which I'm not but I'mma gonna try it anyway, ha.  I do a lot of massaging with those, cut with coconut oil.  I don't have sensitive skin so I'm immune but undiluted essential oils have a reputation of not playing well with others. 

Good luck!  And I love the photo, by the way- you do have a nice shape already...

(04-09-2024, 12:33 AM)Jessi Wrote:  Hello and welcome!  I'm new as well, and just starting. 

Add the fenugreek!   I think there's a thread here- need to find it again and update- where someone stated FG was making them feel a little fuller right behind the nipple (not actual budding, just more volume) and already I'm inclined to agree, I seem to have a little more volume- but then it could be something else I'm taking.  Still, it's not going to hurt to try- far as I know FG is fairly safe, I mean the directions from the manufacturer have me taking 3g a day, and if it seems safe I'll probably go up on that after a while. 

Don't discount essential oils- I'm using lavender and tea tree, both of which were linked to gyne in teenage males, which I'm not but I'mma gonna try it anyway, ha.  I do a lot of massaging with those, cut with coconut oil.  I don't have sensitive skin so I'm immune but undiluted essential oils have a reputation of not playing well with others. 

Good luck!  And I love the photo, by the way- you do have a nice shape already...

Hey, thanks so much for the advice. I sometimes use lavender oil in my bath, maybe I should start doing that more often! I see, I'll definitely be adding the fenugreek then. Might even up it a bit closer to 2g or so. I'm really excited to start this little journey. Thanks so much for the thoughtful response!   Heart Please let us know more about how you're feeling and how your body is doing!  I'm also a bit skeptical to the PM, it seems like there is a lot more risks and at this stage I just want to feel more fem! Maybe in the future ill start a very low amount 250mg - 500mg tops and add some dr appointments in the mix who knows!  Heart

Hi Emily,
Lots of great advice. You should be able to reach your goals with recommendations for your program. Remember, don't expect quick results. It's a marathon and not a sprint.

It took me 2 years to get where I am, I don't plan on having any more children at my age, so fertility issues weren't an issue, so I went with an aggressive program.

Give it time, start slow and gradually add things as needed, pay attention to how your body reacts, reevaluate if you have negative side effects and take baseline measurements.


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