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FG or RC?


If you could only choose one, would you go with FG or RC?  And why?  It seems like FG is way more popular, but RC sounds more powerful, or am I wrong on that?  I feel like FG works for me, I just don’t like the smell and don’t have good access to shatavari, so I’m wondering why I don’t see RC more often and if there’s something less good about it.

I suggest that you Google "red clover benefits and risks" and checkout the risks involved.  IMO, you should do this for all herbal supplements that you plan to take including fenugreek. If you have any health related issues, doing the search may save your life.  In my case, RC acts as a blood thinner, and I already take medical blood thinners like warfarin. If I took RC, I could have some real problems.

Fenugreek also has blood thinning properties, I don't know how it compares to RC.

Best regards,

FG can lower your blood sugar, too.

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