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So you think you know Iodine?


Ugh!  Where to start?  There is a lot to get through.  But hopefully you will find it useful? 
Let's just dive straight in.
Iodine was first discovered in 1811 and was the first time a single item was used to treat a specific illness, the treatment of Goitre (enlarged thyroid).
Iodine would be naturally found in the soil and water.  But is now very depleted in our environment.  Which means it is depleted in us too.   
A recent study found that the UK is in the top ten of Iodine deficient countries in the world. 
Partly because we don't consume sufficient from our food? 
But also because we do consume products that directly compete with Iodine.  Such as Fluoride, Chlorine, Bromide and Bromine.  Which can be found in medications, toothpaste, water, soft drinks, "fortified" foods and more.  This can cause Bromism (not a good thing and more common than you think?).  To which children and young adults are particularly susceptible. 
Because the thyroid and parathyroid glands are involved in the production and regulation of hormones, particularly testosterone and oestrogen.  Thyroid/Iodine problems are linked to multiple hormone based diseases and cancers. 
Iodine deficiency causes goitre, mental retardation, especially during pregnancy and early childhood, and cretinism (yes, this is still a real thing).
Iodine deficiency manifests with the symptoms of:
Scar tissue.
Swelling and pain.
Impaired immune system.
Decreased organ function.
The main organs to suffer from low Iodine are:
So if you are having problems in any of these areas, you may want to consider looking into Iodine?   
In the 1900's, the US was having serious problems with low Iodine consumption. 
Where areas around the Great Lakes, 40% of school children had goitre.  And in Ohio 56% of the population had goitre, with a ratio of six to one of women.
However, once the US gov regulated for Iodine to be added to salt and flour, these numbers came down dramatically.
Currently, in the US, the ratio is nine to one of women to men with goitre.  Why the high ration of women?  Oestrogen inhibits the absorption of Iodine.     
Every cell in the body requires trace amounts of Iodine to function properly, and it concentrates in the glandular system (including the lymph's) and particularly the thyroid.  Without Iodine, white blood cells cannot fight effectively against infections. 
And the prostate also requires higher concentrations.
It's not just the thyroid that makes hormones, the ovaries are also able to concentrate Iodine and manufacture thyroid hormones! 
So... if a woman has problems with her thyroid, her ovaries are probably struggling too?
Here is a neat little angle for you ladies. 
Your ovaries produce thyroid hormone T2.  Which can subsequently be converted to T3 and T4.  So what you say?
One of the reasons ladies of a certain age start to gain weight is because of the decrease of T2 production.
Guess what?  You can buy T2 from health shops!
Other tissues that specifically require Iodine are the salivary glands.  Which means you can have difficulty producing saliva and your eyes go dry?  Low Iodine is also a factor in dry skin and difficulty sweating.
Iodine also wakes up the brain!  So do not take before going to bed.
Arguably the most important takeaway is for expectant mothers and the child they carry.
Iodine deficiency is the number one reason for mental retardation.
I will say that again.
Iodine deficiency is the number one reason for mental retardation.  And there is now some evidence that low Iodine early in foetal development is a factor in Attention Deficit Disorder?
Especially during pregnancy and early childhood.  Iodine deficiency can have a profound impact on mental and physical development of the child. 
However, it has been shown that mothers who increase Iodine levels can have children with I.Q. some 20 to 30 points higher than the parents!

Fluoride in water (tap and bottled!) CAUSES low Iodine!

It has been suggested that while pregnant.  Consuming 12-15mg helps stimulate the development of the baby.  This is the average level of Iodine that a Japanese woman would be having, so well within the safe zone. 
When the mother has sufficient Iodine the baby will become notably more active in the womb and physical development is enhanced, particularly neurological development. 
It's as if the baby wakes up inside the womb and starts thinking!
And before you start thinking this is for gals only? 
Nope, guys need it almost as much.  Just not for the pregnancy bit.
Iodine or Iodide?
Yup, more complications (I can hear you groan).  Thankfully for most of us, Iodine gets the job done.  But there are some instances where Iodide becomes important.
Basically, Iodine is able to just diffuse into a cell (simples). 
Iodide is Iodine in the form of a salt.  And uses the cell's Sodium/Iodine Symporter pump transport mechanism to get into the cell (not so simples).  But by using this pathway, much higher concentrations can be achieved within the cell. 
This is where it could get reeeally complicated, but I will spare you.  However, if you are having problems with your thyroid, breasts, salivary glands.  This is where you may want to look further?  
But if you suspect you have issues of low Iodine?  Or are pregnant?  It could be simpler to just take both forms?  As Lugols Iodine.
To get some perspective, the thyroid alone can hold 50mg of Iodine.
20% of the body's concentration of Iodine is in the skin.  If your skin is particularly low in Iodine you will have difficulty in sweating.
32% of total Iodine sits inside the muscles.  And if you were to refer to the list of symptoms above and apply them to muscles, they describe very closely a disease you probably have heard of that apparently has no known cause?  Fibromyalgia!  Just sayin'? 
But a word of caution!  If you have been diagnosed with thyroid disease.  Particularly over active thyroid or hyperthyroidism.  Please research before taking Iodine.  As there is a protocol specifically for this condition that does not involve pharmaceutical products.  But is beyond the scope of this post.     
However..  Coleus Forskohlii has been shown to be very helpful with thyroid issues.  And does other wonderful things too!
Vit B2 and B3 increases absorption and is particularly useful when taken with Iodide. 
But do not take Iodine/Iodide at the same time as Vit C, as vit C neutralises it!  Leave approximately an hour between them.
Can you overdose with Iodine?  Once a cell has sufficient Iodine, it will be excreted and you just pee it out.     
Iodine in food.  A surprising list of foods can contain Iodine.  But this assumes it is in the soil to begin with?  However, Seaweed can be a reliable source as can Kelp.  Which are amazing foods in their own right.  Tasty too when prepared properly.
And perhaps the best for last?  Iodine can induce Apoptosis
If you are unfamiliar with this word, you may want to look it up?  It is a biggie! 
Basically, when a cell comes to the end of it's usefulness or becomes damaged, it will volunteer to die.  Where it will literally dismantle itself.  The good bits are recycled, and the damaged bits thrown away.  One of the reasons cancer is able to develop is because the signal to induce Apoptosis is switched off.  
Iodine can induce Apoptosis!     
Iodine test.
Although not conclusive, it can be a helpful indicator?  Apply Iodine to an area approximately 3” across on the underside of an arm overnight.  In the morning, if still there and reasonably dark in colour you probably don't need to supplement.  The lighter the patch the more you need Iodine.
The best way to take Iodine is in our food.  As it will automatically come in a bio available form and with the other companion minerals and vitamins the body needs. 
However, it can be found in multiple forms as a supplement.  
Speaking personally, I tend to favour it as Lugols Iodine as it is a combination of both Iodine and Iodide.  Is cheap and a known quantity?  
It would be inappropriate for me to make recommendations and you really should investigate and decide what would be appropriate for you?
But to give you some idea.  The average consumption found in Japan of around 12-15mg and could be a good rule of thumb?  But please do your research.    
Also be aware that Lugols Iodine can over time stain your teeth, as it has Iodide in with the mix which gives it the brown colour.  But drinking through a straw can noticeably reduce staining.  And a diluted Apple cider Vinegar mouthwash, which is a good idea in its own right.  Will help keep your pearly whites and support oral health.    
For further research I would suggest the book: 
The Underactive Thyroid - Do it yourself because your doctor won't.
By Dr. Myhill
For Iodine information and suggested dosing...
Her website is a veritable treasure trove!  I would suggest looking around? 
If you want to dive deeper.  A good resource is:

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