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Forum database backup?


As per title, Eve, this is a question for you. Would it be possible to save both Nexus and Nexum forum databases and preferably in a readable format? As in an offline version of the forum? I have been thinking that if this is porrible, it would be a huge service to the community being able to save an offline copy as the information within is so vast and priceless.

I keep saving all the best information that comes by, but that's only a tiny fraction of everything here. It would be a massive huge help if that kind of database backup would be made and shared to those willing to save it. I've been planning for a long time to go read everything here and dig though every thread and every post and save all valuable information, but that task is absolutely huge. Offline backup in a readable format would save a ton of work and it would make possible to keep it in case forum gets somehow lost/deleted/broken.

Could this be done? What do others think about it?

Offline backups of the forum databases are done every day.

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