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How to start off and which dosage ?


Hi all

I'm a new user on this site and have been reading through all the topics.

I'm planning to start off with this in order to have some breast growth or at least, sensitive and bigger nipples.

My plan is to take the following :
Fenugreek 1000mg 3 times a day
Red clover 500mg 2 times a day
Saw palmetto 500mg 2 times a day

Can I expect anything to happen with this combination ? Is there something to be added to give some results ?

Thank you

I would suggest you use something else instead of Saw Palmetto, liks Red Reishi / Green Tea / White Peony Extract.  Because Saw Palmetto iirc, also have anti-estrogenic properties (correct me if I'm wrong).

It's also not suggested to take 2 different phytoestrogens at same time, so either go with Fenugreek or Red Clover. The doses seems a little high for the start, try to start with like 500-1000mg of Fenugreek/Red Clover and gradually increase after a few weeks. Let your body adapt first is what im trying to say.

Regarding results, it's different for everyone and it's  mostly trial and error, meaning you gotta figure out what works best for you. Start with a regimen and see if you get any results, it takes at east a month or two to see some changes. Could be earlier could be later. And if you feel like it's not working for you, try and use another supplement regimen.


I tried this combination for about 4 months before switching to PM (Pueraria Mirifica). Your mileage may vary of course, but I feel the most popular estrogenic herbs involve PM and/or BO (Bovine Ovary).

I'm also using Fenugreek and i finished my first month, but unfortunately aside from a little bit harder nipples and sensitivity, there isn't much progress. Too bad not everyone has access to a good PM/BO product.

(20-01-2025, 04:16 PM)ILoveCold Wrote:  but unfortunately aside from a little bit harder nipples and sensitivity, there isn't much progress.

Actually, this just means your breasts are starting to develop.
And you started only 1 month ago, even an actual girl develops over a span of 5 to 7 years, so 1 month is just a fraction of that.

I've been trying different combinations for about 2-2.5 month now. With the limited availability in where i live, and the quality of the products, I've kinda started to think that i will never get any meaningful results. 

I've tried Biovea PM before but felt like it had zero effect after 2 bottles. Then i switched to fenugreek. After 3 weeks of starting fenugreek, I've started to notice some sensitivity on my nipples, and they were able to get harder than before. But i had started to think that it's just placebo effect maybe? But it wasn't like it there wasn't any progress at all, it's just that I've felt like it came to a halt. I'm not sure.

Now it's been almost 1 and a half month since i started taking fenugreek along with Green Tea Extract. I've been taking 2600mg Fenugreek and 1100mg Green Tea (%45 EGCG). I've been feeling like i wasn't feeling the effects of anti androgen too much/not enough. So i started to look for Red Reishi, the best one i could find was one with %17.5 polysaccharides. Which is im taking 1100mg of, so only 192.5mg polysaccharides. Now i have somewhere around 3 months worth of supplements. But i kinda started losing hope of seeing any meaningful results.

But your comment still gave me some hope, so thanks :|

(23-01-2025, 06:05 PM)ILoveCold Wrote:  With the limited availability in where i live

Have you tried ordering from iHerb?
Bovine Ovarian is unavailable in my country, and apparently even banned.
However, the ban only applies to retailers, so individuals are still allowed to legally purchase it from overseas directly, and iHerb will clearly let you know once you set your country while ordering.

importing vitamins&supplements is banned, for individuals Sad

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