(22-02-2025, 09:43 AM)wee2er Wrote: Hi Curious,
I presumed it wasn't a complaint so no worries.
If your blood works are already scheduled regularly then I'd just get them to add Oestrogel for now. The one thing I would say is don't chase the numbers, they are good for getting that overview picture, go more on how you feel.
Sounds like you are one of the lucky ones seeing such changes in literally a few days, all very exciting 
I'm not planning on chasing anything at all with the blood work as it's just to track overall health.
Are you suggesting I request a test for oestradiol in addition to the standard T level check?
I'm still shocked at the rapid effects. I really wasn't expecting to notice much at all for the first few weeks.
My theory is that I had previous breast tissue growth from gynecomastia as a teen. Until I lost a lot of weight, I had very puffy nipples and I could always feel some fibrous type tissue that expands outward from the nipple, especially towards the armpits.
After starting the BO, the existing breast tissue must have "switched on" I guess since the overall area is puffier and the fibrous tissue is now harder to feel through the rest of the fat. The nipples themselves have gotten puffier as well. It's barely noticeable through a shirt but I've been incredibly self conscious about my nipples for my whole life so I definitely noticed it.
The calming effect was also a surprise. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult but I wanted to avoid medications so it is medically untreated. It struck me during the workday that my focus was much more intense, my mind was not wandering and I was able to stay on routine tasks until completion without my normal tendency to jump around. Definitely an unexpected surprise but a nice bonus.
The testicular pain, which presents as a dull ache in both but more in the left, is probably the most concerning effect. It's not severe or distracting but noticeable, especially in the first 2-3 hours after taking a dose of BO. I've read different thoughts about why the pain is present but I'm not sure those apply to me as I'm only on day 5. So far, no noticeable change to size or function of male equipment. Any others with experiences similar this early on?
The rapid effects do have me a little concerned but I convinced myself that I am going to finish the first bottle at 2x250mg twice a day before making any further changes or stopping.