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Have a testosterone question? (archive thread)


Have a question?
July 5 2007 at 1:11 PM Snowflake (Login GoldSnowflake)


I have a question, and thought this forum would know better as it has never been discussed on the main forum that I remember. Anyway, we know most of the herbs that block testerone, but what are the herbs that are high in testerone? Like Red Clover is about the highest rated for estrogen properties, so what is the highest rated herb to produce testerone? Not that we want to do that but it would give us a heads up on what herbs to stay away from. Of everything I have read over the past years, I never remember finding anything to raise testrone levels. Any info would be great. Thanks

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(Login stefanie_ss) Re: Have a question? July 5 2007, 1:48 PM

try this link, snowfake.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Have a question? July 6 2007, 7:22 AM

men don't need their testosterone levels raised. Thank god there isn't something in the food supply that does it.
Men are already bad enough as they are out of the box. Throw some more in the mix and you get things like that wrestler that just killed his wife and son and then himself. Testosterone was the culprit. What an awful poison! A blight upon the earth.

I too have never heard of anything that will raise the levels. I would guess the closest things would be sugar, caffeine and alcohol.
Ever watch a little boy load up on candy? Woa! Or a man full of caffeine? And especially alcohol. That's the worst combo on earth, testosterone and alcohol. BAD NEWS....


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(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Have a question? July 6 2007, 11:11 AM

Hey, thanks for the info. That is a great web site Stef, lots of reading. Moonstruck, yes that was such a tradgedy, just too bad and such a waste. I use honey in tea and coffee now, have been off suagr for almost a year now, it just makes me so tired and really zaps my energy level. Feel so much better when using honey straight from the bee keeper, not store bought, too processed. Anyway thanks so much for the input and take care.

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) About Phytoandrogens & Androgenic Herbs: July 8 2007, 2:00 PM

Horny Goat Weed is one that come to mind instantly. The mineral Zinc can lower estrogen and some pills that are used to fight gynecomastia in men or to reduce breast size in women contain green tea and citrus. Mucuna Prureins has been cientifically proven to increase testosterone levels, growth hormone levels, deposit more protein in muscle tissue and increase strength and muscle mass.

All steroid hormones are built from cholesterol in the cells. Decreasing dietary saturated fat has been associated with lowered testosterone levels in athletes. A study in Finland showed that a decrease in the fat content of the diet to just 25% decreased test levels by 15%. The same damaging effects on testosterone levels was achieved by increasing the ration of polyunsaturated fats to saturated fats.
Hamalainen, E., et al. "Diet and Serum Sex Hormones in Healthy Men." Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. Vol. 20, No. 1, 459-464, 1984.

Here is aome more info on androgenic herbs:

Some f-m TS seem to use Avena sativa to elevate androgen levels. That has been recommended for NBE here on the boards. I think Eve used it. On this page (link below) it says that the herb Tribulus terrestris boosts testosterone but too large doses can cause breast enlargement, which is probably because excess free testosterone converts into estrogen. I think that the effects of these things might be VERY different in biological males and biological females, something the TS f-m dudes on the forum there don't realise. The breast enlargement "side effect" described there would probably only occur in a biological male that has a lot more free testosterone to start with, that can turn into estrogen. Something that would not happen in a biological woman who has a lot less testosterone in her system. This is why I think saw palmetto (changing the free testosterone- DHT ratio) would only work well for those with high androgen levels but not at all for those who have low levels of androgens. Apparently, someone there was still lucky raising testosterone using those two products:

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(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Have a question? July 9 2007, 1:55 PM

Great info Fennel, Thank You!

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(no login) Re: Have a question? July 11 2007, 3:34 PM

I have a book in front of me now that is all about natural healing and Nutrition and it says that the bark of the Yohimbe plant can raise testosterone.
This is what it says: Yohimbe increases libido and blood flow to erectile tissue.May increase testosterone levels...
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