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I think I need the width of either the large or the large contoured but I am not sure. The large contoured sound like they fit to the chest wall better. Also did you get the foam pads that they also sell? I really wonder if they are worth it.


(04-07-2012, 05:45 AM)Brittni Wrote:  I think I need the width of either the large or the large contoured but I am not sure. The large contoured sound like they fit to the chest wall better. Also did you get the foam pads that they also sell? I really wonder if they are worth it.


No, I didn't get the foam pads.

Wow!! I thought this bunch would be a little more considerate. I didn't know there was a government subsidy at risk if one of the members strayed from the fold, or expressed a bit of human curiousity.
Far be it from me to recommend that Brittni embark on the course she mentions, but, well, been there, did that, got these. I won't say she's got the ingredients all correct, but at least she took some time to research.
As far as a GRQ scheme, simply not true. That site offers a trans feminization program. You won't buy a thing from them unless you're in their program. And if you work with them, you'll get all the medical attention required.

As for the Pharmacy site, that's where I've gotten all my "un-natural?" meds. Why? Because I went the DIY route, and after a considerable amount of research, I arrived at a "regimen" that I decided offered the best results with the least amount of risk. Does that make it right? Probably not, but for numerous reasons (none of which I will judge as right or wrong) a vast number of people have chosen to do so. Witness the fact that a long-awaited shipment of a new generic for Premarin was sold out the same day it was available, and not scheduled to be available again until Dec 19, 2012.

Having said that, yes, there are possible side effects. Is there any drug on the market today that doesn't have possible side effects? For example, my doctor prescribed me Chantix to quit smoking, but when I saw the possible side effects, It scared the hell out of me, and I never filled it. After seeing the results of 3 friends who took it, I was very glad I didn't. Nasty!! Divorce, blackouts, and one needed physchiatry. And after a year, they're all smoking again. Having had no side effects from the hormones I've taken, perhaps I'm lucky, or maybe I picked the right things. Doesn't really matter.

At Brittnis' age, I'd probably agree, take herbals first. See if she gets anything out of it, and learn how to deal with those results. Then, if she chooses to go the other way later, she'll have that experience, as well as a foundation for stronger meds to build upon.

Somewhere along the educational path I've taken over the years, I managed to miss the statement of fact that the application of vacuum to the male or female breasts was indeed to be considered natural. Doesn't seem to fit a strict definition of NBE.

I kind of felt we were all here to try to help each other out. When I got here, I was looking for something, I knew not what. But it seemed to be a place for a lot of kindred spirits. Still think it is. However, let's not rush to judgement of anyone here. Maybe this is where Brittni belongs, and maybe not. And maybe it's not where I belong. But, I enjoy it, and it stimulates my mental processes. And it's the only forum I've ever joined. Perhaps Brittni will stay here, or branch out, but, whichever, we owe her our consideration, and fair and unbiased opinions. And we all have plenty of those.

Haven't meant to affend anyone, though I probably have. I'll get over it, I hope you will. Life's too short to spend it pissed off!! Patti

PattiJT, one of the things I have learned over time on this and a few other forums is that the most open forums tend to have both the widest range of discussion and the widest range of opinions. Sometimes people seem to get carried away, usually from good intentions. I say seem, because I also think there is a significant cultural diversity on this forum and it shows in the language, writing styles, speech, and assumptions in many posts. For myself, I have decided that in order to actually remain a member of these places, I regularly have to turn the other cheek. But being me, I occasionally respond when I shouldn't. Smile I also take breaks from the forums from time to time. It helps me to stay balanced.

Anyway, your feedback and opinions are not only at least as valid as most (probably more than most given your obvious range of experience with this), but greatly desired to keep our mix of contributors diverse and valuable. You certainly have direct knowledge of quite a few aspects of our topic which is rare. Please don't let strong voices dishearten you. Your posts are insightful and interesting. It would be a great loss to us if you felt you weren't able to continue to participate fully.

To contribute to the topic of the thread, I would have to know something about synthetics and I don't. Sorry.

(04-07-2012, 08:29 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  As far as a GRQ scheme, simply not true. That site offers a trans feminization program. You won't buy a thing from them unless you're in their program. And if you work with them, you'll get all the medical attention required.

I wasn't calling it GRQ, or suggesting that they were just trying to get your money. I was comparing it to the same idea.

"Come do this and get instant results!!"

Taking young, foolish, hopefuls, and promising them more than they can actually deliver. If it works for whoever goes this path, great. If not, I'm sorry.


(04-07-2012, 08:29 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  Wow!! I thought this bunch would be a little more considerate. I didn't know there was a government subsidy at risk if one of the members strayed from the fold, or expressed a bit of human curiousity.

I hope I didn't sound too inconsiderate with what I said about the site. For me it raised an eyebrow when it denounces a method I know has worked for me and others. If the site would have simply said this in regards to phytoestrogens :

Quote:We have not observed any measurable feminization from these preparations.

I wouldn't have been skeptical about the site.

(04-07-2012, 08:29 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  Somewhere along the educational path I've taken over the years, I managed to miss the statement of fact that the application of vacuum to the male or female breasts was indeed to be considered natural. Doesn't seem to fit a strict definition of NBE.

I found this paragraph especially entertaining. I don't see anyone getting offended over NB though. There is a lot of stigma around prescription medication, for better or worse. Don't let it silence you. People can always decide for themselves, the more information they are exposed to, the better.


Exactly my point. The more exposure we all have to information, ideas, and discussion, the more knowledgeable and able to make decisions we will all be.

I may have info about certain facets of breast enlargement that most of you don't, but I also realize that the majority of folks here really don't care to know. thats never been a problem. I'm not here to hawk synthetics, to each their own. I can see the benefits and shortcomings of either method. I endeavor to remain non-judgemental, unless I see what I feel is something that definitely needs correcting. And I have been corrected myself occasionally. Wrong is wrong, no matter who. I've learned things I wasn't aware of here, and do appreciate the fact that a wide variety of topics are raised. Being rather thick-skinned, (and a bit bull-headed), when I terminate my membership with this community, it will be of my own volition, and probably only because I feel that I've become all I can be. Which will probably never happen, as I know I'll never believe I've arrived at the point where I feel I have it all down pat. My curiousity will always need satisfying. Therefore, guess you're stuck with me!!

As I said, no offense was intended, and none has been taken. I very much wish everyone here a safe and sane journey in all they do, and hope all achieve their goals, whatever they may be!! Patti

Hi Patti,

you may have seen my earlier message about the risk takers all moving from Europe to the Americas and evolution doing its work! Big Grin

The only reason I brought the topic up was because this isn't, by and large, an area where the best advice is going to be had on synthetics. I know you are a risk taker (after all, you smoke!) but I would feel quite anxious about not warning people considering going that route DIY (which is what this board is all about).

The most popular hormone here as you know is PM and if you look up the research papers (I only read the abstracts, (a) because they are free, (b) because the science behind them is beyond me) they all indicate that it is a very safe herb. In fact, it actually seems to protect against some cancers.

I think you'll agree that safe can't be applied to synthetics?

For my part, I didn't intend to appear antagonistic, just concerned.


Yes, Hun, I read your post. I somewhat agree as well as disagree. There are many innovations coming from European sources, such as housing and energy production methods that you may overlook simply because you are too close to them. It's very easy to conclude we're of a more risky nature here because the media almost everywhere tend to gather their story sources from outside their own local areas. After all, it's a bigger draw to show people how things are elsewhere than it is in ones' own backyard. Sort of a "the grass is greener" thing?

Truth be told, there are risk takers globally, but in many cases, people operate in secrecy, be it politically, financially, or in personal attempts to change ones' body configuration. Fortunately, should one of us here have a risk backfire on us, at least a whole class of people or an entire population won't get screwed. Most of the human race takes risks daily, it comes down to making calculated and manageable choices. Unfortunately, those words don't seem to be in politicians or bankers dictionaries. As a side note, smoking is not the biggest risk I take, you should see me mix it up on the highways!! My wife will attest to that. It's a good thing they don't put an extra brake pedal on the passenger side!

I won't take issue with PM, both that it is the most widely used herb on this forum, and that it does appear to be quite safe. But, can we state that as an empirical fact? Or, does it mean that no-one yet has come upon a combination of PM with some other meds or herbs that will cause a problem. While PM has a long history of use (40-50 years), can we say the same for the other herbs used by some? I've seen back pain, kidney pain, as well as headaches mentioned here by some. Are we, by self-medicating, or DIY, causing these problems? Or, are these symptoms of a condition that is un-related, and could require actual medical attention? I don't know, but it seems to me that as risk-takers, it amounts to something we're all willing to accept as part of what we're doing. AHA, see? I'm not alone in this risk-taking sense. am I? The fact that most, if not all, doctors over here are now requiring a list of herbs one is taking, as well as other meds, is an indication that they have finally realized that herbs can have negative reactions with prescriptions. In some cases, herbs may also strengthen or weaken the effects of prescribed med. I take blood pressure meds, and after researching some of the herbs mentioned here, have found that some would lower my blood pressure to dangerous levels. However, by the simple fact of acquiring that info, I was easily able to decide not to take them. That's part of what we do here, share info. Which, while agreeing that this forum is not the place to expect such information on synthetics, is what Brittni was trying to do, IMO. My initial reply was just to be critical of some of the critical responses she received. As I didn't feel she was trying to be offensive, someone should have politely told here this was not the best place to ask these questions. And, the only reply that actually bothered me, was the one that basically said "take them and die." That wasn't warranted, IMO.

Concerning the possibility of PM helping prevent cancer. Great! Recent reports are that coffee reduces risk of skin cancer. Does that mean we should double down on caffeine? Or PM? OK, that was just me trying to be cute. Sorry.

Is anything we take truly safe? And at any dosage? Sunshine is healthy, in moderation. Overdone, it's as dangerous as many other silly things we do, or eat, or drink.

Like you, I was concerned, but it was more about the tone that appeared on this thread, and was simply trying to restore some civility. I believe now that, while not really hi-jacking this thread, I've made it quite convoluted. Odd how that seems to happen! Once again Take care all!! Patti

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