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Advice for a newbie?


Well, you first need to know what FG does:

Fenugreek-Prolactin stimulate, increases production of estrogen, phytoestrogen, adaptogen

FAQ-Supplements used for breast growth

Start with the recommended amount, when you get the PM, stop it temporarily, then add it back in within 10-12 days. The idea being is to let PM do its JOB, you don't want another phytoestrogen (FG) competing for the same receptors, and it will.

I had no idea they would actually compete! My uneducated assumption was that they would stack instead. Once again, thank you Lotus Blush

(23-10-2014, 03:50 PM)GamerGuy Wrote:  I had no idea they would actually compete! My uneducated assumption was that they would stack instead. Once again, thank you Lotus Blush

We have so many things competing for E receptors, environmental estrogens, medications, foods we eat, testosterone (DHT). Again, not to confuse you. FG, might have some T in it, so you'd have to be mindful there, Body Builders use it for that reason, new mothers use to increase milk supply, oh yeah, and it smells like maple syrup.

Haha I heard all about the whole maple thing. Alright gonna go pop my first FG, wish me luck that I don't have an allergic reaction Wink

New question, slightly related to my quest. Wife's been mentioning I should get a vasectomy... Research is mostly inconclusive about how it affects hormone levels ugh. Will this negatively affect my NBE journey? I mean I'm all for getting one, but I'm wondering how it affects hormone levels...

WAHHHHH The more I read on this site, the more confused I get!

From what I gather, I need both an estrogen and a progesterone source to get some boobage. SP acts on the Progesterone receptors? Both FG and PM are Estrogens?

My poor brain ;_; According to THAT info, I should be taking the SP. b-b-but... AHHH! IM SO CONFUSED (in more ways than one!)

GamerGuy.. I don't know for you but for me to develop breasts was almost too easy and unexpected. I did 3 months of pm 2000 to 3000 mg a day and 1000 mg a day of sp to shut down my testosterone. I am now an A cup and against all logic want to continue to a B. Will I then go further??? I am trying to slow down now as I lost my erections and libido however this pm seems somehow addictive and hypnotic. Even though I know it is hurting my erections and complicating my marriage I can't resist but take more pm to maintain and increase the hardness under my nipples and my nipples being non stop erect. So I guess be careful... this is very seductive stuff. I tell myself to stop but then continue because I love my breast growth even not knowing it's consequence.

The limited tracking info says I'll be getting my PM on monday! Knowing how the system works, it probably won't be here until tuesday.

UPDATE: Day 2 of only FN and Spearmint tea... I'm finding I have a greatly increased appetite. a mere hour after each meal, my stomach is going nuts growling FEED MEEE

Is this normal? My usual appetite before I started this was 1-2 meals a day and I never actually felt hungry. I had a very weak appetite and perfectly healthy despite this.

My brand new bottle of PM arrived today! Big Grin

What would the recommended dosage for NBE be?

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