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My routine / results / thoughts on PM/SP/etc


its two 640mg/day --- my "rounding math" is too round!!!

I'm already on it and several other things besides ^^

And I quite agree. The surge of energy I felt immediately after my first dose of PM was incredible.

I'm on a lot more than you, but my body I think was more DHT-saturated even after a year of trying to block it.

Ah, so we are both using the same amount of SP, though we are dosing differently. I am splitting it currently 3/2/3, and will be changing that to 1/1/2 when I run out of my 160mg supply and start using my 320mg supply.

I decided on a three times a day dosing regimen.

EDIT: BTW, my current plan is linked to in my signature.

EDIT2: I decided on a mix of SP/CS/PM/BO/PC for my hormone blend, and various helper supplements.

I am now about to start ramping UP the PM, keeping the SP flat (as I know it knocked down the "boy" in me completely), and ramp up the Maca as well (I so so so want a nice round booty!Wink
May also try Fenugreek BUT do not want to overwhelm my system, so will just see how increasing PM and Maca does for me.
I do love the girlie feeling PM provides --- I need it daily now.

Haha. I already have a pretty awesome butt as one of the girls in my cos class so helpfully pointed out to me the other day.

Previously she was all claiming white girls don't want to have big booty's, and I'm like. I want a big booty. I of course fail to mention I already have one, and since I'm like, always wearing loose skirts... Anyway. Another "white" girl in class speaks up saying she wants one too...

So yeah... On Thursday last week we had a jeans day for fundraising for some charity I didn't bother asking which one, and I wore my only jeans I even own, a nice, tight pair of size 5 hipster skinny jeans. Needless to say my butt shows quite nicely in these.

And the girl's like. Damn Abi. You liar. You want a booty?! You have one girl! Big Grin

        Not me! I am the classic "skinny-bitch" type and I must add weight to the right spots (my bottom) and not the wrong spots --- my tummy area!!! LOL. Maca and/or PM seems to be giving me curves in the right spots --- but slowly! You can see by my pics SOME curves are showing in the right spots --- FINALLY

Very nice, Robin! I wish I were so lucky to have a figure like yours. I know I'll get there (not quite as skinny, but close enough for me to be happy), but don't see it happening for at least another 12-18 months.

Anyway, given those pictures, I imagine you spend a lot time in public as the fairer sex. If that's a correct assumption, what sort of voice training (if any) have you done? Have any tricks (or links) you'd like to pass along?


I believe she's living full-time, like me...

I dunno if she's gotten any voice training... I'm still just struggling with it solo here. :/

I dunno if you've heard this one yet, but when speaking, hold your index and middle finger up against your adam's apple and if you feel that press down on your fingers, you've gone too low. Practice speaking without ever letting your apple press against your fingers... It helps some.

wow robin is that really you? absolutely gorgeous hun! what did you use for your NBE it definitely looks like it worked very well. I am weening off the pm due to possibility of wanting kids later in life and noticing semen is getting cloudy/clear instead of thick white as it was before using pm. But using Goatweed with Maca (300mg) of maca is in it, does maca give you the curve in the butt and hips i hear it does but wondering if its true i dont take it as much as i do the pm by any means but starting to more to hopefully cuver the backside a bit

Robin, honey, you are gorgeous! I am so jealous! I don't have any regrets, but I do wish I had started this when I was younger and prettier. Sigh.

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