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Male and Female Alters,


Well said. Sfem! Very well said.Smile

Indeed excellent answer sfem,

Dont worry though I value myself have no fear of that ,

but the whole thing is driving me NUTS,

One day girl, next day strong male, then girl, sigh then bloody male again,

Just as I felt normal yesterday, and went into strong arse kick mode with a tempered femaleness which actually felt very ideal,

Looked in the mirror at her new growth and she got all excited again and have been in girl mode today, getting all turned on,



Sfem, agree totally with you in principle and I am sure that works for a great many people..

The real difficulty is that for some people (myself included), despite considerable time spent on introspection and self discovery (in many cases an ongoing lifetime search) , they still find it impossible to identify their inner person as one coherent nature This makes it difficult for these people to rationalise behaviour traits to themselves (they are constantly changing) - let alone trying to explain any of their motivations for actions to the outside world.

When linked to an action such as intentional breast growth, the consequence of this action will, in all probability, for ever be a part of the individual and will impact significantly on how that individual perceives themself and how society views them.

Chuck that though in on top of an already confused mindset and it is hard to find that inner peace which is clearly the Holy Grail for us all.



You and are peas in pods



I was very impressed by Samantha Rogers’s post (#3 in this thread), both because of the second paragraph and because I can relate strongly to the first paragraph.

I said in JulieTG’s thread ‘Is this most of us? ’that I’m a spectrum person, but in the context of a particular article and diagram which relate to people along a particular gender axis between cross-dressers and transsexuals. In reality our essential selves are molded by a multitude of interacting factors and outside influences, of which gender is only one, so we are indeed all different. But in looking for comfort, and in trying to make order out of chaos, we inevitably draw parallels or speculate, on the basis of what others have chosen to disclose about themselves, how that fits with our own conceptions. For myself I welcome the reaction of others even if I disagree with them since even that still provides insight.

The ‘Is this most of us?’ thread centered on a particular gender axis between cross-dressers and transsexuals (along points on which some people move or flip-flop?). An irony of that is that I am not certain that I even really belong on that axis. At one end I have never really regarded cross-dressing as a practical proposition probably mainly for the for the reason given by Samantha., but also my interest is much more in, at least to a small extent, feeling like and physically functioning and being treated sexually like a woman, than in wearing female clothes or trying to present as female.

At the other end of the axis, there is the fundamental problem as far as I am concerned that, quite apart from my obligations in an existing relationship that is supremely important to me, available transition technology could not get me anywhere near having the functional capability to be fertilized and to reproduce, which as a male I feel I was deprived of, being limited to the fleeting function (now lost to me) of planting my seed; even that I failed to do successfully although I am blessed with two wonderful step children..

I think that I may find growing breasts satisfying because they and other physical feminisation provide elements of feminine function as well as presentation, but who knows?

Thanks for your kind words Annibel. For my part, I am experiencing a little irony. I came here originally seeking information of a tangible nature to apply to my own quest for modest feminization, so that I might be more at peace, and better able to harmonize two conflicting sides of myself. I found that information, but I have found something else. In the process of dousing my body with phytoestrogen for the last three plus years, and watching as physical change took place in my body, I have also (and only recently) become aware of another change. I find that this old type A personality is now much better able to hear and empathise with others, in a way I was never much good at before. Oh, I know ... this just sounds like rambling, most likely, but three years ago I never would have read some of the posts that I read here and found that my first and overwhelming response was a desire to reach out to the person whose words I am reading, and hug them and tell them that its OK. Now, that is what I feel here most of the time.

with you on that one

Myself being major alpha, found myself picking up the phone yesterday and asking staff to do things in a calm and explanatory way,

I came at from their angle, simply unheard of,

Its normally "just do it"



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