Poll: What attracts you sexually? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Women with penises
Unattached,anonomous penises
All of the above
None of the above
No interest in sex at all
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Sexual Orientation


(24-01-2014, 11:45 PM)davidb Wrote:  Silly me - of course ...SmileSmileSmile

but did you look up 'Rhino' or 'Charging Rhino' in the Urban Dictionary??

OMG OMG OMG... I just looked these up...OMG
I had no idea...LOL
Well, maybe it makes sense in retrospect, though honestly I never heard the term before...hee hee
I will have to ask the rhino what he thinks...Tongue

Samantha, Yes, I did "know" her! Cool

And thanks for the Southernese translation, I think I got it. Damn, CK must be my half twin sister... whaaaa??? But she's so smart, apparently she's from the part of the family tree that has a branch! Rolleyes

Sorry, got distracted in my last post and left out a thought...

Sarah, I think that the detached penis Samantha is referring to is known in some circles as a Glory Hole... I READ that somewhere... Big Grin that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Shy If you don't know what that is Sarah, honey, don't Google it, you will have another nightmare filled night, if you are able to sleep at all! Tongue

Sam, I can't wait to read your post when the Chinese herbs kick in. You thought the rabbit and the rhino were issues... You're a braver girl than I am, and I'll try damn near anything, like martinis and frog legs!

Dreaming of my Maidenform,

Rhino and Charging Rhino - ROFLMAO! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Charging Rhino sounds kind of like the sexual version of Buck Buck that Bill Cosby used to talk about... Buck buck number 1...Smile

(25-01-2014, 12:18 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  I took what CK said to mean " If I am horny enough I will have sex with anyone or anything of any gender if it is even remotely attractive...and if not I can use my imagination and pretend.".....
But I could be wrong...
Translation into Southern is not my specialty... pretend I said it with a drawl...tee hee...apologies, Clara

Samantha, I wouldn't want to be asked to test your theory, but that's pretty close to being true. Big Grin

CK Smile

Actually, Lisa, ...and not to ruin perfectly good levity with fun-dampening seriousness... well, in fact I guess that is exactly what I am doing...but I digress...
What I meant was not "glory holes" dear one. Not at all...though I suppose what I am referring to might drive some souls in search of said places. Rather, I was referring to what is, I am told, a rather common fantasy among many, of sexual nature, involving, as was said before by Sarah, I think, a penis attached to someone unidentified, shadowy and anonymous, thereby relieving the one having the fantasy of any obligation to identify an owner of said penis and thus be forced to personalize the act and identify it, in no uncertain terms, as what they might perceive under the baggage laden banner of "gay".
Damn, I think that may be the longest sentence I ever wrote. Tee hee.Tongue

What kind of girl do you think I am? Of course I know what a glory hole is. It seems like something that would provide a wonderful assortment of diseases to those that are interested, of which I am certainly not one.

There's a line between "icky" and "makes me want to vomit".

GH's cross that line. They were definitely not what I signed up for when I voted for detached peni.

I'm sticking with peni, btw. Penes sounds like a Latino last name.

LOL, this post reads like I'm both offended by the insinuation that I wouldn't know what a gloryhole was, AND that I'd be into them.

Neither is the case.

For what it is worth, Sis, I agree with you 1000 percent .... yeechhh
Makes my skin crawl.

I'm fascinated by the power of this one herb, Pueraria Mirifica. I'm not talking about breast growth, either. A lot of the back and forth about sexual orientation, sexual attraction, sexual encounters with this, with that, resonated with me. Ahh..... three months ago.

Now, after taking PM for a few months it all seems so sophomoric. My male preoccupation with sex, porn, masturbation, sex toys, and virtually all prurient interest has virtually dried up. WTF?? And, I'm still not sure if I'm totally happy about that. I mean, I have memories of sex being rather wonderful in its own special way. Tongue

Anybody find the same thing has happened to them? Were you a ravenous consumer of pornography at one time, and now don't see the point? Were you constantly thinking about where your next lay was coming from, but now are not that interested? Do you find your sexual appetite now more in line with that of your female partner's?

There's a video on Youtube about addiction to porn that I found interesting:


I could totally relate to it.

Today, however, under the influence of PM, the porn affliction is vanquished. It holds no sway over me now.

Truly amazing.

CK Smile

Good point Clara. Though I enjoy the banter, as it were, it is simply fun. I have had, as mentioned before, I think, zero interest in porn for over a year. I was actually going to say something about this on your other thread, but what the heck... There was a time when I spent lots of time watching porn online. But as I immersed myself in NBE I found my interest switched from video to written stories...erotica...which allowed my mind to do the heavy lifting and place me into the feminine role. But of late, even that interest has gone.
Despite the joking around, I actually started this thread with a serious intent. Not voyeuristic but analytical. I wanted to get a ballpark idea of how the numbers break down within our little community. And beyond that, I wanted to ackowledge the "elephant in the room". In the past on this board members tiptoed around the issue of orientation, which always seemed odd to me. Here we were in a room full of bio males trying to grow breasts and no one is mentioning the subject of orientation? It just seemed weird to me. I wanted to shine a light in that corner, and get people to think about the subject.
Of course, you start a conversation in any way regarding sex in THIS room and you are bound to get some levity and some crossing the lines of taste.Rolleyes

My take on this is :All for one and one for all!!
Not too excited by "anonymous "peni", though. Maybe that could be altered to "autonomous" peni, which may pique my interest a little more.
I would have to say, the idea of a "mystery", or "shadow", penis does nothing for me whatsoever. Whether in fantasy or RL, the penis in question must be wielded by an identifiable body. Wielded? Meaning a penis attached to an appealing male physique who is skilled in the use of "said penis". Kinda like a sword is "wielded" by a skilled "swordsman'? Guess I'm trying to say he'd have to be attractive, and when I pull that tool out of his pants, it better not be "wimpy", and he'd better know how to put it to good use! I like cuddly romantic sex with my wife, (yeah, all that BO brought the little devil back to life) but with a man, it better be "balls-to-the-wall"! If I'm going to go through all the trouble of becoming "femmy", and get the nasty from someone, then I'm sure as hell going to want my satisfaction as well!! Oh, and absolutely no Uncircumcised peni. I do have my own red line.
Well, there's the light on my little corner, Samantha.
Wow, the doc gave me some terrific drugs!!

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