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Laser beard removal/reduction


(09-09-2014, 04:17 PM)EvaMarie Wrote:  So here we are two months after treatment number three, going for number four on Thursday... I was considering pushing it out another two weeks because there is hardly anything to fry off this timeSmile I guess thats the whole point of all this though, seems like the last one REALLY worked goodSmile

There is some coming in though and I just want to get it over with... This will be interesting because the few that are there are very sparse and thin compared to the last three times and Im hoping my whole face wont be as fried as it was last time... Some on my upper lip, and just a few on my jaw/chin and none on my neck.... Its been a few weeks now without electro and there are a few new white hairs coming in now too but they are much thinner now at least.... It sucks Im gonna go four days without shaving, there IS still some dark hair left Sad I gotta say "shaving" is REALLY easy now though at leastCool

Then it will be back to the electro but I really think Im only gonna need 4-6 hours to clear whats leftSmile Then I could see maybe doing 1-2 hours every two weeks or soCool

Im planning on asking for a prescription for Vaniqa, its supposed to be good for stopping new hair growth... That might be cool and hopefully with that and a little more electro I can be pretty much done with shaving my face...

So Im probably going to ask them about frying the hair off my sack with my last two treatments, or with new ones... FUCK, OUCH, thats not gonna be fun at all Angry But its something you have to do that takes time prior to having GCS surgery, Id think at least 3-4 sessions two months apart... Or maybe just schedule my next one for 3 months out or both, I guess it will depend on what they say about it...

I will be going in as Eva though regardless of whats growing on my face by Thursday though Big Grin

I would seriously think about having the last two treatments on the face rather than thinking it is all over. Top ups will be needed for years until SRS. The growth cycle is very deceptive, don't trust appearances.
Talking of which all the procedures I have looked at (which admittedly are based in Thailand) both say that hair removal is unnecessary as they scrape the follicles from the skin so hair doesn't grow.

Just sayin' from experience. Smile

Hi Areille I guess we'll see how it goes this time... If all I have to deal with are hopefully even less dark hairs after this one I think I might just start going after them with the electrolysis... I mean there really isnt much there and that should be gone after ThursdayCool Also Im hoping the Vaniqa works for me if I can get it Wink

I just want to see what they say about zapping my bits, see how much they would want or even do it ect.... Surgery seems very far off to me right now and I still havent made up my mind on a surgeon... At least two years away...

I can tell you the thought of getting an orchie is getting more and more appealing thoughWink Its not a matter of having the $$$ or not either, I have plenty thankfullySmile From what Ive read on that if its done with an eye towards keeping scarring to a minimum and in the right spot its not that big of a deal....

Im starting to LOVE the thought of the whole psychological aspect of having them little poison factorys GONE FOR GOOD... Id also hopefully be able to get ALL of my documents changed over to female a lot sooner... I still gotta review the law on the BC in NC and the DL here in SD to confirm that thoughWink

Also if for any reason Id have to stop or reduce E Id never have to worry about huge amounts of T anymore and hopefully Id see better feminizationBig Grin Oh and Im sure tucking it away would be even easier tooSmile

Im not coming up with ANY reason not to do this right now actuallyBig GrinTongue

So lets say I get em chopped off and after a couple years change my mind on all of this??? NOT LIKELY AT ALL.... BUT all Id have to do then is take T If for some reason I decided I wanted to live as a male... Again not even remotely likely, but Im also still not 100% on GCS YET eitherWink

Before I did GCS Id need to try to get my hair fixed and that might take a couple years to complete if they can even do it... It also hasnt been long for me on HRT and Id like to feminize more... And finally I still need RLE for a long time just for myself not to mention the psych's and the surgeon....

I plan on bringing that up with my psych next time I see him because I will need a letter or two for thatWink

WELL that HURT like HELL againSad

I do seem to be recovering MUCH faster though, it's still a little sore but only on my upper lip and chin where the hair WASBig Grin

NICE because since there was less to kill there is less to wait on to fall out... Before they fall out no matter how much I try to shave they are kind of visible...

The doc said NO on the Vaniqa.... She said for these last two I want whatever is left to keep growing so they can get killed... I guess but usual impatient me just wants to be DONE... I guess I can wait another 4 months... I SHOULD be almost DONE with the electro by then Id think too...

Im gonna start that again on Monday.... Id really like to get that done before winter because the weather around here can get REALLY bad... That one hour ride could actually be life threatening because the weather can get VERY unpredictable and 70 mph winds and white out conditions are not uncommon at all....

I saw some mentions of the Tria 4x and IPL home devices here.

Typically I have been using an epilator all over below the neck, but have now real solution for facial hair short of an experimental diluted spearmint oil topical treatment. Which only serves to slow the beard growth back to normal or slightly less than normal levels, which is a help since the Biotin and Swanson's hair/skin/nails had the beard growing easily twice as fast as normal... (But yay halting and partially reversing early sings of balding!)

I am interested in getting permanent reduction/elimination of dark hairs, particularly in the beard area, but elsewhere also. Having some leftover pale hairs doesn't bother me too much as this stage, as I am not trying to present femme, I just hate shaving. It is a time consuming daily routine that just kind of makes me sad and frustrated.

With pale skin and medium dark hair, used to be blond, now my hair is more of a dark brassy color. Beard and body hair is a bit darker though. Not black or DARK brown though... Is it realistic to get results with a home unit?

- Jaded Jade

I've made arrangements to have volume facial hair removal by electrolysis (actually 27 MHz thermolysis) next month here is Chicago. Two practitioners work on me for 12 hours straight except for a lunch break. I'll be sedated and then given a full field block so I don't feel a thing. My entire face and neck are cleared in one day. Then, I return every six weeks to have it done again until the beard is completely gone. I just couldn't see having to grow out a portion of my beard every week for the next two years doing it the slow way. I'm presenting as female now most of the time so shaving twice a day is necessary to avoid being read. Oh, and laser is out for me because most of my facial hair is gray.

Check out this video showing volume hair removal in progress:

Volume Electrolysis Video

The cost is reasonable, too. Each successive treatment costs less and less since there are fewer and fewer hair follicles to kill.


Clara I think sounds so great and I want to hear all of of the details after you have it done. Robin.

(15-09-2014, 05:19 AM)Jaded Jade Wrote:  I saw some mentions of the Tria 4x and IPL home devices here.

Typically I have been using an epilator all over below the neck, but have now real solution for facial hair short of an experimental diluted spearmint oil topical treatment. Which only serves to slow the beard growth back to normal or slightly less than normal levels, which is a help since the Biotin and Swanson's hair/skin/nails had the beard growing easily twice as fast as normal... (But yay halting and partially reversing early sings of balding!)

I am interested in getting permanent reduction/elimination of dark hairs, particularly in the beard area, but elsewhere also. Having some leftover pale hairs doesn't bother me too much as this stage, as I am not trying to present femme, I just hate shaving. It is a time consuming daily routine that just kind of makes me sad and frustrated.

With pale skin and medium dark hair, used to be blond, now my hair is more of a dark brassy color. Beard and body hair is a bit darker though. Not black or DARK brown though... Is it realistic to get results with a home unit?

- Jaded Jade

Hi Jaded Jade,

I have a Tria 4x and a Philips Lumia IPL. I would say that the Tria 4x is much better, it does seem to reduce hair growth each pass, the Lumia IPL does seem to control. I have completely switched to the Tria, and have found on my face especially that ignoring the manual and doing two passes on say a Monday/Wednesday of a week works for me on power 4. Power 5 is just too painful for use on the face.

You will likely never get rid of facial hair until you eliminate testosterone as it will regrow, even without then topups are likely to be required occasionally. I have been happy with the effects of the Tria, I would suggest going that route rather than an IPL of some form.

Hope this helps


(20-09-2014, 04:05 AM)Arielle Wrote:  Hi Jaded Jade,

I have a Tria 4x and a Philips Lumia IPL. I would say that the Tria 4x is much better, it does seem to reduce hair growth each pass, the Lumia IPL does seem to control. I have completely switched to the Tria, and have found on my face especially that ignoring the manual and doing two passes on say a Monday/Wednesday of a week works for me on power 4. Power 5 is just too painful for use on the face.

You will likely never get rid of facial hair until you eliminate testosterone as it will regrow, even without then topups are likely to be required occasionally. I have been happy with the effects of the Tria, I would suggest going that route rather than an IPL of some form.

Hope this helps


I agree with Arielle. The Tria 4x works fine if you have lighter skin and darker hair, although I find it a bit tedious to use because it has to be lifted up and repositioned against the skin to trigger each pulse. It takes 25 pulses to cover a square inch of skin. It's not painless either.

She's also right about lasered facial hair coming back if your DHT level is that of a normal male. Even natal females have the potential to grow a visible beard, but in her estrogen rich body, facial hair growth is inhibited.

Electrolysis is the only recognized way to permanently kill hair follicles. The term 'electrolysis' is a misuse of the word, though. Almost no one does galvanic electrolysis anymore. Rather they use high frequency energy (microwaves) at 13 MHz, or better still 27 MHz, to "cook" the papilla and a bit of surrounding tissue. It's called 'thermolysis' and is much faster and less painful than true electrolysis.


(18-09-2014, 04:04 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  I've made arrangements to have volume facial hair removal by electrolysis (actually 27 MHz thermolysis) next month here is Chicago. Two practitioners work on me for 12 hours straight except for a lunch break. I'll be sedated and then given a full field block so I don't feel a thing. My entire face and neck are cleared in one day. Then, I return every six weeks to have it done again until the beard is completely gone. I just couldn't see having to grow out a portion of my beard every week for the next two years doing it the slow way. I'm presenting as female now most of the time so shaving twice a day is necessary to avoid being read. Oh, and laser is out for me because most of my facial hair is gray.

Check out this video showing volume hair removal in progress:

Volume Electrolysis Video

The cost is reasonable, too. Each successive treatment costs less and less since there are fewer and fewer hair follicles to kill.


Interesting I hope that works for youCool
Id try that for sure, my options here however are limited...

Most of the hair has fallen out from my last laser treatment and I started the electro again... 2 hours Monday and another 2 today...
That will totally clear my upper and lower lip and chin areaCool

Then we should have the sides and my neck totally cleared after another 4 hours next week...

I gotta drive an hour each way (uphill and through the snow too LOL) and have her take them out one at a time using the blend method at $55.00 an hourSad

Emboldened by people here that use the Tria on the face despite the manual, as well as some on Susan's, I got a Tria. Since I am starting with a full bear I will start passes at power level 1, and slowly up as the beard reduces, obviously with a test patch first...

Beard must die. Certain other key areas need to be reduced also, as a NB/MTA I don't need 100%, but a great reduction, light hairs are probally ok by me. DHT is already under the gun from SP/Spearmint, though I am going to try Pumkin seed soon, so hopefully any regrowth I get will be minimal... (And once or twice I have spotted a body hair that is dark on top and light and fine on the bottom. YAY!)

If I need to go further than "permanant reduction", Tria will give me a nice, cheap, solid start to that!

And I know it'd be maddening to hit my phisiological Androgyne ideal and still have a full beard to shave and stubble everywhere. Let alone the fact that if I do pull that off I am going to want victory tattoos, and once I get those, the areas in question will be no-lasers-epilator-only! o_O

(Gotta wait for the epilated areas to grow back... grumble, grumble...)

Once it gets to the fine-light-hair stage, is this a good or bad idea I wonder...?

With the advice against plucking facial hair, once the serious laser reduction has kicked in, are the fine hairs remaining fine enough that this would be ok?
Because it is quite awesome at touch ups elsewhere even now...

- Jaded "KILL IT WITH LASERS!!!!" Jade

(I would stand on a chair and scream that but everyone else in the house is asleep!)

(And the DW want to play with the laser too...)

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