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Southern Comfort Conference /Atlanta


(31-05-2014, 02:43 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Awesome! It would be amazing for the BN girls to have our own on-site hair and makeup consultant! LolTongue

And kick the cr*p out of zombies?

^ Yes. Anything is possible with fabulous hair.

I think if all else fails you all should plan yearly meet-ups and come to Nashville. Smile

(31-05-2014, 01:30 PM)echapman Wrote:  Atlanta isn't far from me.. Maybe I'll stand outside and hand out hugs before you go in!

Oh well at least Sarah is coming to have girl time with my hopefully soon! I'm so happy for you guys and I expect fully detailed reports. I'll probably be blowing up Sarah's phone seeing how it's going :p

(Which by the way, Sarah, my phone isn't sending texts? I dropped it again... I miss you!)

Aww, I hope we get to have girl time soon too! You can blow up my phone anytime lol.

That sucks you dropped your phone lol, I'll miss you as well. Sad

But yeah, come to SCC! Blush You're guaranteed to be the hottest female-ish person in the room hehe.

Transgendered Zombie Apocalypse....has a nice ring to it. A cross between was Craven and John Waters...might be a hit...lolTongue

(31-05-2014, 12:10 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Our numbers for SCC have doubled, girls and we now have a contingent of six of us planning to attend. We have members journeying to Atlanta from all over with the most distant joining us from Europe. It is not too late for you to join us too! C'mon, you really want to be sitting at home seeing pictures and reading reports of all the fun we six are going to be having when you could be there with us having all that fun yourself? Frankly, with the crew we have attending so far, I expect massive mayhem and a monumental riot. I am advising everyone to bring bail
If you cannot attend, rest assured we will be proving a regular stream of naughty pics and steamy accounts just to torture you for failing to join us...tee hee.

For those that would love to join the mayhem, but have problems with the cost, distance to travel or time off work, here are a few thoughts. Firstly, sharing hotel rooms is a possibility. On several of my more adventurous trips to the more remote and often decrepit railways of the world, in which my wife did not wish to join me, I have taken 'pot luck' in sharing hotel rooms with whoever the tour organizer has designated, and on the whole it has turned out well (particularly the tour on which my designated companion failed to show!). On an adventure, such as SCC will be for most of us, a room mate has for me turned out to have more advantages than disadvantages, and I would certainly be prepared to share my room for a contribution towards cost. It also allows deferring a decision whether to come without the risk of not being able to get a room at the hotel.

As to travel, the Tuesday and the Sunday will be travel days anyway. A substantial part of the population of the US and Canada lives within a thousand miles of Atlanta, which in my experience is a quite practical if lengthy days drive for two people coming from the same direction so that they can car pool and share the driving for most of the distance. For myself, with 1500 miles to come, I am using frequent flier points: while my wife is to say the least ambivalent about my attending, she would, cost apart, certainly put her foot down if I proposed to drive the entire distance solo.

Time off work is the short week after Labor Day, but I appreciate that is a problem for some. For myself I used to find that I never used my full vacation entitlement. If I had, then I might not have run into the health problems that forced my early retirement and decreased my retirement income. So if you have the vacation entitlement, why not use it for this big adventure? Tongue

I was thinking it would be awesome to have some kind of BN identifying item of apparel for all of us to wear at the convention... but a T-shirt, as would be normal at other events, would be just so wrong in this case...LMAO.
What else might we do? Hats mess up your hair. Anything colored will likely clash with one of our outfits. Sigh....any ideas?
Meantime, Sammie's Q&A pm box is open to assist any fence sitters...c'mon girls. You don't want to miss this!

However...realistically, many of you simply can't attend. It occurred to me we might be able to rig some technology here that would enable those of you at home to join in some of the fun cybernetically (is that a word? Tee hee)
I know we have lots of IT people "in the house" here. Who can help here? What kind of ideas can we come up with for some kind of video link that could be used to share our Atlanta adventures. Is there a way to set up a password protected video chat room or something like that? Skype? I'm not the techie here but some of you are wonderfully able in this area. How cool of an idea can we come up with girls?

I think at a minimum, we should exchange cellphone numbers so we can coordinate activities among ourselves at the conference.

Clara Smile

Wish I could go somewhere to learn how to put on makeup. I have tried once or twice and just ended up looking like a cheap slut or a clown.

Andrea, it just takes a little work and practice, sweetheart. Don't beat yourself up. Remember GGs start learning from their Mom when they are little and have lifetime to get good. And some GGs never really get good. Besides, they start with an advantage most of us do not have...a feminine face to start with. Plus they don't (usually) have to worry about beard

So here is what you do...start by watching any of the many online makeup videos. There are many, including some on youtube in addition to the ones on manufacturer websites. In addition there are many on youtube specifically aimed at CD and TG.
Read (or look at the pictures) in women's magazines.
Study paintings of female faces and look to see how artists have applied light and dark colors to shape and accentuate features.
Pay attention to women and look to see what they have done. In short, begin to educate yourself.
Once you are ready, go to Target or Walmart and begin to purchase some inexpensive items to start with...some kind of foundation, translucent powder to set that, blush, an eyeliner of some kind, eyeshadow and highlight combos, an eyebrow pencil or shaper, lipstick and various brushes, sponges, cotton balls and some baby oil to remove it all when you are done.
(Target and some other stores sell a very inexpensive line called Elf, and much of it is very usable and decent...things don't need to be expensive to work, especially in the beginning)
And then start to practice.
A bronzer to sculpt the face, if desired.
Eye shadow and highlight
False eyelashes and/or mascara
Lips (use a lip liner pencil first to outline the shape.
At least thats the order I use.
Karren is pretty much our makeup wizard and resident expert so maybe she will chime in with some tips. I am sure I could sit at her knee for hours learning, myself.
As you try things be prepared to make mistakes and have to take it all off and start again. Practice. Try different things. Go big, go small, see what works and what doesn't. Learn to blend and do things subtly.
And when you finally do get to where you are somewhat pleased, add the wig. It will change everything for the better, especially if your wig is good and suits the shape of your face.
And then expect to keep practicing. Presenting a feminine illusion or expression is an art. Learning how is a little like learning to play Bridge. I can teach you the simple mechanics in an afternoon...and then it takes a lifetime to get really good.
It isn't rocket science but it does take time and effort.
It is worth it! It really is!

Thank you for the pointers Samatha I will have to pick up some stuff and try it some time.

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