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would you change who you are?


(15-12-2014, 02:38 PM)elainecd Wrote:  It just completes how I'm dressed and how I feel.
And that right there is part of my issue. Like I said I'm my original post, my name, the one I've used my whole life, is a large part of who I am. Assuming a new name would indeed complete how I'm dressed, but then it feels like it's just a costume; hiding who I am in favor of this new persona.

(15-12-2014, 03:06 PM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  
(15-12-2014, 02:38 PM)elainecd Wrote:  It just completes how I'm dressed and how I feel.
And that right there is part of my issue. Like I said I'm my original post, my name, the one I've used my whole life, is a large part of who I am. Assuming a new name would indeed complete how I'm dressed, but then it feels like it's just a costume; hiding who I am in favor of this new persona.
Well, maybe you can just add a letter or two to your name instead of changing it entirely. My TS friend, Carla, started out with Carl, of course she could've gone with Carly. When I was little my dad used to always tease me that had I been a girl they would've named me Dalita! But, in reality, my name is already both male AND female, so I never have to bother changing it, unless I want to. If so, I just MIGHT go with, Jennifer.
But, really, you don't ever HAVE to change your name, if you don't want to! It's been a LONG time since I've seen "The World According To Garp", but, didn't John Lithgow's character decided to keep her male name? I KNOW that I know of someone that got a sex change, but still went by their birth name. And it was a very male name!! Something like Roger or Fred. There's NO femming Roger!!

(26-11-2014, 01:40 PM)undecided Wrote:  As mentioned already, just be you.

I always feel thats all I want, just to be me. If I want to dress like a GG and grow breasts then society should just except me. Unfortunately, for most of us that is not the case.
And all because of some blindly adhered to man-made rule book written a few thousand years ago called, "The Bible". :-(

(12-12-2014, 08:48 PM)Scotti Wrote:  As Popeye said: “I am what I am, and that's all that I am.”

Be true to yourself, and do what you are comfortable doing. I've known men with what I would consider girly names and women with manly names.
Leslie West (The Great Fatsby)
Michael Learned
Mandy Patimkin
I've seen men named, Ashley
Seems to me I used to know a guy named, Julie, a very long time ago.
Julian Lennon (that tends to be a girl's name, from what I know of it.)
Francis Sinatra
My uncle's name was Eugene, but preferred to go by Jean, rather than Gene.

sadly my first name just doesn't work to mod to femme.
My middle name alan is where Elaine comes from.

My Grandmother told me many times ...I was supposed to be a girl.
In the post war years, men came home to their wives and started having babies. One boy, one girl was the way it supposed to be.
My brother was born first.....I was supposed to be a girl.
Guess I always was.....inside. Rolleyes

(16-12-2014, 02:52 AM)elainecd Wrote:  sadly my first name just doesn't work to mod to femme.
My middle name alan is where Elaine comes from.

My Grandmother told me many times ...I was supposed to be a girl.
In the post war years, men came home to their wives and started having babies. One boy, one girl was the way it supposed to be.
My brother was born first.....I was supposed to be a girl.
Guess I always was.....inside. Rolleyes
So, why did you change into a boy before you came out of the chute?

My singer's middle name was, Cleo! Rupert Cleo Porter.
I'm not sure if it's a girl's name, but Flip Wilson's real first name was, Clero. This is Flip as Geraldine!

(26-11-2014, 05:00 AM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  I keep getting asked by the few people who knew me before when I'm going to start using a "girl name". I am finally comfortable being who I am,

I am in the same boat. I've had a few people tell me they feel strange calling me by my given name. Well... too darn bad. It's my name, and I'm not about to change it.

The interesting thing is that other trannies I know are beginning to see it my way. The fact is, when you stand up fearlessly for something, others will follow. Maybe I fit a little more into that activist category... I've made it clear that I don't care which pronouns people use, and that I am not going to police my own use of them depending on what so-and-so is wearing.

I guess that makes me more an activist for common sense than for "trans" issues. I've never cared for "goodthink" no matter what kind it was.

The common sentiment seems to be that folks like us need to completely erase our own pasts in order to become someone new. I have seen some intense self-immolation from a few people, and it's awful to contemplate. I don't hate myself, I don't need to become a new person, and I certainly don't need to erase my past. I choose, rather, to evolve.

Anyway (sorry to ramble)....

The most important thing is that you like who you are (your "hey did you miss me?" thread confirms that), and as long as you have that, you needn't concern yourself with the notions of people who are not comfortable in their own skins. You are responsible for your comfort, not theirs.

Just keep being awesome.

(18-12-2014, 11:32 AM)MissC Wrote:  
(26-11-2014, 05:00 AM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  I keep getting asked by the few people who knew me before when I'm going to start using a "girl name". I am finally comfortable being who I am,

I don't hate myself, I don't need to become a new person, and I certainly don't need to erase my past. I choose, rather, to evolve.

That takes the words out of my mouth. Nicely put!


How serendipitous! I found a wonderfully apropo story today even as I was thinking about this thread.

Quote:Chris Tina Bruce made history in October 2011 when she competed as the first transgender woman in a bodybuilding contest in San Diego. Since then, when Bruce isn't busy competing and running her personal training business, she has used her visibility to speak out about transgender issues.

Bruce situates herself in the center of the gender spectrum, preferring to identify as not entirely male or female, a position that many people -- including LGBT people -- find difficult to understand. But Bruce has offered us the chance to reconsider our approach to gender and is helping to shatter antiquated notions about gender identity and expression and exactly how diverse they can be.

More, plus pics, at

I haven't found any reference to name changes... I'm guessing the Chris was original, the Tina not... well played, I say. Wink

I don't suppose a life in the spotlight is for everyone, but the more of us do it, the easier it gets for everyone. I see a role model here. My life goals have long seemed destined to require some public speaking and press at some point, but I no longer fear it.

Another hero of mine (in similar vein) is Stu Rasmussen, mayor of Silverton, Oregon. Actually, "another hero" is an understatement. He and Eddie Izzard... gave me the idea that I could be authentic... without an alias.


I strongly believe to each their own. We seem to put so much worry and thought into what other people think that we end up making ourselves miserable or unhappy worrying what others or society thinks.

Just because the outer packaging is different doesn't mean the label has to change. On the inside, you're still you no mater what's on the outside. Your given name is what has identified you as you and if that's what makes you happy and complete, then why change it?

Of course there is a catch to all this right? If you're going to let it get to you, harassment or incessant questioning of your name, well then obviously you're not going to be a happy camper.

That is probably why for the longest time I was annoyed with my name. For one, it's a unisex name, and two apparently I don't have a deep manly voice. So phone calls, drive through windows etc, Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am... I used to get super frustrated and annoyed, now mostly I just let it go. I honestly don't think I sound feminine, but I guess everyone thinks I do.

So whatever you decide, I hope it is what makes your happiest. Big Grin

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