Poll: What type of "Pink Fog" are you in?? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Was your intention strickly for subtle female attributes?
Are you Gay, or Gender Fluid, thus only wanting to go to a certain point?
Once you started to get Female Attributes, did you find you had to go farther than originally intended?
Have you reached you goals, so therefore you have no need to "Push the Limits" of you feminization?
Any Combination of the above, or further thoughts please post.
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Thoughts of the "Pink Fog"


I think i was already in the "pink fog" when I came here. I was not satisified at all with fake breasts when dressing and wanted my own...no matter what size they reach, they would be mine. Over my years I have dated women with breasts smaller than what I have now.

I was so excited in the beginning when I started having the soreness in my breasts that told me the PM was working. the additional benefit of softer skin, hair, slower beard growth were just additional nice things.

Now I find my self wanting more and considering hormones to go further down the path. I never thought I'd consider it...but the desire is strong.

With a spouse (my third....first two divorces were not related to my sexuality)that I know would not understand this at all (her second husband left her for another man over 20 years ago).....what I do has to be on the QT. I find myself wondering what it be like to be full time.

I have lost interest in sex with any woman....my thoughts are only of men and of being female.

Wow, Elaine. I really feel for ya... Maybe you finally figured it out then, eh??

Lots of Luck.

iaboy.....you'll have to forgive the ramblings of an older frustrated cd.
Just laying it all out there.
I just have to stay within my life's limits right now.

Sooner or later something will give and I'll be free to be me.
Wife has accepted, more or less, that I've lost my libido and chalks it off to getting older. It will resolve either with her leaving .....or,a very long shot, finding her a guy to service her....come out with my feelings and desires and maybe work my way into the mix.

I really prefer the former, I want to be free to meet men and possibly come up with one for myself.... for a longer relationship and move into the female role for him.

Hey Elaine, maybe you should start a thread yourself?? I think it's a subject that effects most of us here. Especially the peeps who are not really looking for SRS, but maybe up to the border of doing it.

I personally would think that thread would have a ton of people giving their 2 cents.... What ya think.... It could be very cathartic for you as well as other's???

Just do it! ! !Big Grin

I'll probably wait a few days.
Sorry, didn't mean to derail your thread.
No worries.

(24-12-2015, 08:22 PM)elainecd Wrote:  I'll probably wait a few days.
Sorry, didn't mean to derail your thread.
No worries.

No worries from me partner. I think it was just an extension of the current thread. Thought provoking is what I wanted...

NOW, having said that, if you were to rant/rave about your alcoholism, or how much money you made....... That might of gotten me a little tiffed. All is good....

LOL.......well I don't drink THAT much...and prefer high quality vodka. Don't all us gurls swing that way?
And.....I'm way past worrying about money. The great crash took care of that and nearly wiped me out and I don't have the energy to chase the $$$ anymore. Screw it...............I get by and I sleep better these days. Big Grin

For me, drinking involves enough to kill a moose.
Twice. ;-)

So far this evening? 8 ounces of liquor and counting
1.5 oz Maker's mark bourbon
1.5 oz Jim Bean
1.5 oz jameson Irish Whiskey
2 oz Triple Sec
2 oz Sour mix (We use dried stuff, so it's 4 oz water w/ dry mix)

Consumed since 4 PM, about.

We have (erratic, manic, insane) company coming this evening.

I figure dad lived until 77 - with any luck, I'll not last that long. Not like I have children to nurture...


Like my warmup at the gym - an hour of heavy weights? Yeah, that's the WARMUP. 5 minutes on the elliptical, then the weights, then - everything else.

Can't understand why I'm not skinny, the sheer amount of exercise should do it....
But then I come home to tiramisu and steak, and I'm expected to clean the plate.... (20 oz+ steak, baked tater, broccoli, soda as beverage, and tiramisu as dessert.)

I know, it sucks to be me in that way, except... I lose weight when on a contract, and I'm a fat slob when she's here. And she's.... ALWAYS fat.


hope I didn't hijack this thread, too...


(24-12-2015, 11:49 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote:  LoL
For me, drinking involves enough to kill a moose.
Twice. ;-)

So far this evening? 8 ounces of liquor and counting
1.5 oz Maker's mark bourbon
1.5 oz Jim Bean

No wonder you cant grow super big bosooms.... Between bouncing off of wall and forgetting your pm.

(24-12-2015, 09:49 PM)elainecd Wrote:  LOL.......well I don't drink THAT much...and prefer high quality vodka. Don't all us gurls swing that way?
And.....i'm way past worrying about money. The great cash took care of that and nearly wiped me out and I don't have the energy to chase the $$$ anymore. Screw it...............I get by and I sleep better these days. Big Grin

Yeah... Where I depart from the Cuckservative movement. But won't derail another thread. ;-)

I've found with liquor, High Quality is THE ONLY way to go.
Keeps the liver cleaner. Makes a better drink, even with mixed drinks. :-)


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