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(05-08-2020, 11:18 PM)BillieJean17 Wrote:  A couple of pix of my boobs taken today.

Such a nice pair of ''girls''


(05-08-2020, 06:32 AM)BillieJean17 Wrote:  
(05-08-2020, 02:50 AM)myboobs Wrote:  
(04-08-2020, 09:04 PM)BillieJean17 Wrote:   

Another bra I like.
Aren’t you suppose to pull from your side boobs to middle ? I read that in many different articles regard proper way to wear bras . Boobs look fabulous
Not sure I understand what you mean.  Is the perceived problem my boobs, my bra or something else?
The concept is after putting on the bra you scoop sides and pull them towards center

Another bra I like.  Mesh is quite comfortable in hot weather.  It also allows my nipples to show.  This one is a 42C.

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(08-08-2020, 09:52 PM)BillieJean17 Wrote:  Another bra I like.  Mesh is quite comfortable in hot weather.  It also allows my nipples to show.  This one is a 42C.
That looks gorgeous  Smile

I wore a bra out today running errands. It’s the first time I’ve worn one in a while. I’m starting to get more bigger now, so I pretty much need one all the time now. It was comfortable and although I was aware I have it on, it’s comforting to know I’m wearing it. I’ve still yet to get a proper bra, though the Bali sports bra that Dawn where are you recommended is my favorite one/s. I bought several of them. Yours do look great, btw.

(08-08-2020, 11:07 PM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  I wore a bra out today running errands. It’s the first time I’ve worn one in a while. I’m starting to get more bigger now, so I pretty much need one all the time now. It was comfortable and although I was aware I have it on, it’s comforting to know I’m wearing it. I’ve still yet to get a proper bra, though the Bali sports bra that Dawn where are you recommended is my favorite one/s. I bought several of them. Yours do look great, btw.
Thank you Steve.  Alas I have lots of bras that don't look so good.  I get all of them online, mostly Amazon.  I don't have the nerve yet to go to a store and get properly fitted.

(08-08-2020, 10:34 PM)myboobs Wrote:  
(08-08-2020, 09:52 PM)BillieJean17 Wrote:  Another bra I like.  Mesh is quite comfortable in hot weather.  It also allows my nipples to show.  This one is a 42C.
That looks gorgeous  Smile
Thank you for the compliment.  Compliments are wonderful coming from others on this forum.

Same here, but try eBay. Chances are you’ll find the same bra for free shipping. No need to keep giving the worlds richest communist money. The guy is worth $200 billion as it is. That’s Rothschild Tier, Rich.

Ok everyone.  This is getting worrisome.  I am increasingly obsessed with my boobs and growing them even more.  Started taking PM capsules again, in addition to PM spray and massage.  Also started taking Goat Rue capsules.  Plus I am taking more photos of my beautiful boobs.  Mainly so I can share with my BreastNexum companions.  Two pictures from today.

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(16-01-2020, 01:50 AM)BillieJean17 Wrote:  What do you think of these?



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