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PM help please


I have been reading all of your great input on this thread and its got me considering taking PM.

Chrissiegirl, do you have any photos? I would like to see your results to help me decide if I should Change things up. For the last month, I've been using Wonderup cream and for about a week i've been taking 2000mg of MSM and while I don't have the size/look that Kelly has, I have noticed some changes.

Like some of you, when I look in the mirror, I don't notice any difference but when I look down at my chest, I see that my breasts are round and stand out a little (more then they did before i started) and I too have more fleshy tissue when I flex. Have you guys experienced any male functionality issues since taking PM?


I found my male functionality effected. I was taking the two ainterol tablets a day and found it difficult to get erect after about two weeks. I have been on just one tablet a day for the past month or so and can get a full erection but the amount of ejaculate is much lower. Doesn't mean I'm not having great sex, just not that much is coming out, which is fine with me. I also find that the little guy spends most of the day shrunken with just the head visable most of the time. This is also fine with me as it adds to the overall feminine feeling I am enjoying.

Thanks for your thoughts. I lead a crazy life where I put in 15/16 hour days, 7 days a week, for 7 months of the year and, as a result I have neglected massage, for a long time. You have reminded me to do that I am on 3 caps of PM, at present but have upped the Wild Yam. I feel that I am contnuing to gain on the upper parts of both boobs. I can totaly fill out a 38B and a 40B on the left, but am left with 1 or 2 small creases on the right.
I have no photographs. I took none at the outset, really because I was cynical about this working and now that I consider myself as a pre op transexual, taking pictures of a body, that I dont see as approprate to the person I am, is out of the question. I hope you can understand that position.
All I will say is that I have really female shaped boobs, starting from the side of my chest and with no sag at all, if they lack anything it is bulk on the upper centre area, but that seems to be where most growth is now concentrated.
As I have said before, this is a really slow process, but you will be aware of every little change, even if it cannot be measured. Once you feel you have real growth, get an A cup bra. You may well be gutted at how small your growth is, but there is nothing like bra to tell you how things are going.
I now wear bras on a daily basis and 2 are ones I had from starting this and filling them seemed an impossible pipe dream, at the time.
There is no doubt that PM does have an effect on male function. As a TS I have embraced that. My age and the fact I lived a life of enforced celabacy during the last 5 years of my late wife's life have also, I beleive, reinforced that effect.

Chrissiegirl. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your wife. And I am glad to see you moving foward with your life.

I went to Rhyl, yesterday, to get some things for the guest house and walking around the town centre, in a pullover, I noticed a number of women eyeballing my chest. I am going to have to come out very soon, if I maintain the present rate of growth. The strange thing is that I do not seem to fill the cups any more, but the shape of my boobs is changing and when I lie on my side I have real cleavageSmile I think it tis time to get a push up bra, to see if it works for me. For those who want to remain male, remember, I am only a small B cup, but it cannot be hidden.

HI Carla, how long have you been on a PM routine?

Hi Chrissie,
What an exciting yet terrifying turning point! My hope is to have a gradual transition by starting with a week of 2000mg a day for a week then taper to 1k per day. Like you I still have to pass as male despite my internal longings. How does one explain this practice/ process to ones loved ones?

Hi Melodysims,
Your first sentence perfectly captures how I feel. As I am self employed, I can, in some ways, please myself. I do, though, worry about the effect on customers. That said, a leading North Wales hotelier, is a well known transexual and has been the subject of 3 BBC Wales documentary series.
As to your proposed regime, I think you are on the right lines but I would advise sticking to the high dose, until you are aware of changes and reduce gradualy. You do not want to stall developement, as it can take huge doses to get it going again. Your initial aim is for erect nipples, with a knot behind them and general tenderness, once you are there you can reduce the dose. I would suggest adding wild yam, either in caps, or as a massage cream, to maximise the effects of the PM.
An employee, clocked that something was up, after about 7 months, so you may not have long to go before having to broach this with those close to to you.
The only family member I have to worry about is my son and, as I only see him infrequently, I have decided to wait until I next see him, or am about to come out. All those, who work with me, except one, know and I suspect he knows something is going on.

It's all happening!
I opened a dialogue with my wife last night stating that I had ordered an herb that would give me girlish curves and quite possibly a feminine bust. I explained that this was tied to my desire to dress enfemme; which she has known about all along, and mildly supported. I explained that I loved her womanly curves, but I also wanted some of my own to match my outside with my inner self. She said it was sad that I felt I needed to change my body, as I was perfect in her eyes. I am so lucky. I explained that I was not looking for a cohort in this endeavor, as this was solely for me. My hope was that it would not impact our relationship or the current family dynamic, but that I didn't want to do anything behind her back. She understood and accepted my reasoning, then went on to explain something the kids had done this evening... I feel confident that we will face the future together.
With that said, thank you for the feedback on dosage. Is the "kickstart" necessary? As for work, I'm willing to take it slow and see what develops.

Hi Melodysims,
We are all different and I can only advise from my experiences.
However, my suppliers, give 2 caps a day, as the dose for a genetic woman and, it is generaly accepted, that males need a higher dose

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