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CM's journey


Awww, the battle with dysphoria. Its painful, don't give up on it. So many who have thought to be hopeless have become very passable and also pretty down the line. Its a long process and takes a lot of work, but before resorting to surgery there's a lot you can do to make things better. 

Facial changes though are subtle and take a long time to show up. Then there's luck involved with age, genetics, how good HRT you have going and so on. Btw, the HGH + IGF-1 route for breast development can be very helpful with skin and face and everything. I know I have shed years off me and I'm definitely not a day younger than when I started out, but my face looks younger. That's all HRT, skincare and NBE supplementation doing it and the difference is quite dramatic. Like for example, I was getting quite deep and visible nasolabial folds, but those are gone now! Only visible when I smile. I got deeper crows feet, but those too don't have the always showing lines any more. And then just overall looking younger and more fem and I swear to you bones of my face are the very same ones I've had all my life. But how much has all the soft tissues between them changed because big piece of the puzzle on what feminises our faces while on HRT.

For me facial changes started to kick in on quicker pace after about two years on HRT, speeding up a lot closing to three years. This seems rather typical that the first approx two years are like getting your body used to the new hormone balance and getting changes started. After that it gets much quicker especially on face. I saw someone who had the most interesting timeline, she didn't have much face changes at all from year one to three, but between year for to seven she had dramatically changed. Similar timelines to those who start in their thirties and older seem common, while young ladies seem to have quicker change right from the start. I guess that boils down on how much testosterone damage (Years since T puberty) there is to counter and somewhat to genetics.


Thanks for the words of encouragement. Unfortunately I think I have done some pretty serious damage using extra testosterone than my body produced. So I guess we will see. Only time will tell. 


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