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Just started


Hi all,

Just a little update in my progress 3 months in,

I have slowly increased my BO dosage from beginning to reaching my max of 2000mg per day. I have been on this dosage for the past 4 weeks. 
I have also added a total lactation supplement of 2 caps twice a day. This contains fenugreek, milk thistle, blessed thistle,  alfalfa and fennel, although the mg per serving is maybe not enough. 

So far I have noticed little difference,  no fat distribution to hips or thighs and no weight increase, although I eat pretty healthily most of the time. I'm also not sure if anything is happening with my breasts, although I feel as if there's something happening underneath,  I don't think or I'm not sure if I've reached budding stage.
I have noticed that I used to have a tendency to bite my nails and the urge to do this seems to have gone ( maybe not related)
I have applied progesterone cream a few times but stopped as it was advised to only do this when budding is complete.

Hopefully there will be more to report in my next update and if anyone wants to provide any other helpful tips, it would be greatly appreciated.  Heart

Hi Peachy,
It's all about patience, and everyone is different as such some react quicker and others not so quick, but overall it takes time and consistency.
Stick with your regime, tweak as and when you think it needs tweaking and hang on in as it's a long slow walk in the park.
Good luck

Thank you for the support  Heart

Hi all,

Almost 4 months in now mainly just using BO with calcium and omega 3 supplements. Recently just started adding 1x 500mg maca supplement daily.

What I've now noticed

Underbust measurent has decreased by 5cm and waist by 1.27cm with no change in hips and butt.
I think my testicle is shrinking but not 100% sure.
I also think my head hair feels lighter but again not 100%.

Just about to add topical msm and dhea, along with fenugreek, fennel and hops supplements to my regime next week. 
I'm holding of on the progesterone cream until I feel I've fully budded as still unsure about this although I've followed other information on this.

Hope to have more to report next time. Heart

(10-09-2024, 11:18 PM)ChuckM Wrote:  
(07-09-2024, 05:15 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Bovine ovary should be quite safe. I'm naturally prone to blood getting super thick very easily. BO has not been an issue at all, whereas PM gave me a DVT scare. Things that do elevate blood clotting factors are oral estrogens, afaik progesterone can have some effect but likely not much. PM is potentially very dangerous if overdone. I'm not sure about other NBE items. Shitty lifestyle is obviously the worst, booze and cigarettes literally kill... Some times genetics make this worse like in my case I need to be careful.

But bovine ovary should not be much of an issue. For example, I'm on 2300mg dose which the highest I've ever done and highest I'm willing to do, this could already be wasting quite a bit of it. Zero problems what so ever.

Hey Lara,

Because I developed a DVT due to taking PM, I did a little research on some of the other common NBE supplements regarding their potential to contribute to blood colt formation, and found that Fenugreek, White Peony, Red Reishi, and Red Clover all actually had some blood thinning properties, with some cautions while on Warfarin.  Green Tea extract contains Vitamin K which enhances blood clotting. 

Best regards,

I had blood clots in my legs about 7 years ago from HRT and was put on Warfarin and have been on it for over 7 years now I found out once you have to take Warfarin you could be on it for the rest of your life that being said I have used Fenugreek for over 3 years now with my doctor ok I use it for help to grow breast as well as I read that it can help blood sugar go down I have not had any blood clots after taking Warfarin, I took Fenugreek 610 mg 2 times a day for a year I am using 1260mg 2 times a day I have not had any problems with blood clots. I have taking BO for the last 7 mounts now only one 250mg tab a day as if I take more then 1 a day I have leg cramps and a lot of lower back pain I have had growth in my breast as well as in my butt on just 1 BO a day I say if going slow and getting your breast to grow is better then taking too much and having health problems.

Hi all just a latest update,
After 6/7 months on full dosage BO 2000mg, I have had to stop due to blood clot problems which I am now on medication for. I don't believe that the BO caused this as I believe it to be sildenafil as after having a prostatectomy I was put on a low daily dosage of this and advised to take more when required. 
I had been using the BO along with DHEA and MSM topical but unfortunately I must be one of those people that it doesn't seem to work for as there are no noticeable results in anything apart from possible shrinkage in my penis and testicle.
I was wondering however if taking the BO for a prolonged period of time as I have could still cause something to happen albeit at a slower rate.
I am however going to have to put all on hold until I speak to a blood specialist to figure out what may have caused the clots.

Thanks for listening  Heart

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