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Nipple pumps


1. yes, they will at least lengthen temporarily. you might get permanent development from that but YMMV.

2. what's your budget and goals? if you strictly want to focus nipples and ignore lactation, i recommend Supple Nips or similar nipple everters. if you try a snake bite kit i will die a little inside and it will be less safe and effective but yes you can use that instead. 
if you want some more middling expense stuff, might i suggest foray into the sex toy market. if it can stimulate it with suction, you can probably use it. 
you could also try looking at manual single breast pumps, that has lactation capabilities theoretically but you definitely won't induce lactation. if you some how managed to, you'd have severe arthritis in your hand. but you could do nipple lengthening with it, and prob help increase prolactin for that purpose.

if you have a lot of money to burn, please give it to me, i will use it wisely and appreciate it. but actually, if you feel like you can spend a lot of money on this and want to try the lactation thing, you can buy a hospital grade double electric breast pump. it's well upward of 200$ dollars, but it is worth it for the people in its target market.


Thank you. How long do think before I see results?

I started out years ago using supple nips and got good results.  I need to go back to them again to get more results.  I did get permanent results.  Whatever you decide to use start out slow and a few minutes of time to avoid water blistering.  They do work.

Ok. I love the feeling of the suction. Maybe I was a little too aggressive. I have a water blister. What do I do now?  I assume stop for a couple of days a slow down?  Do I need to pop it?

I have gotten water blisters on my boobs from over pressure pumping and doing it for too long. they usually heal pretty quickly don't pop them  Smile

You will get water blisters on your nipples when you start pumping seriously.

Once your nipples extend and get firm & heavy, these will disappear. 

I carry "Love Honey" suction pumps on my nipples for several hours at a time, using a suitable demi-cup bra for support and to give me a pert shape. Sometimes I get a really heavy uncomfortable latch, and have to release, re-lubricate and re-position.

Once back indoors, I am back on my hospital grade breast pump. Having got my nipples extended by the nipple pumps, I can now fill the flanges after about 30 minutes. 

The breast pump stops after 30 minutes, but the sensation in the following 30 minute session is sublime. My nipples tingle and the breast tissue starts to ache from the weight of the breast pumps. The projection after an hour on the breast pump is wonderful!

I like the pump options and instructions recently shared on another thread. I already have large nipples, presumably thanks to BO, but of course I'd love them to get bigger.

Hopefully all this info shared helps someone.

Beth, you can increase your nipple size permanently by pumping if you are dedicated.  Your nipples will toughen up if they have not already done so.  I use suckers during the week.  For the weekend, I can set aside time to pump for extended periods beginning Friday nite, all day Saturday, and all day Sunday. It varies some but I try to set aside 6 hours for each nipple session.

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