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Hello Sarah,
Nice to se you're still around. Was wondering about you the other night, at the same time I was wondering about Bryony. Haven't seen anything from her either in quite a few months. Anybody know? She last posted about the same time I had to take a few months break, and I haven't seen anything since I got back. Hope all is OK.

Flame- I use BO without PM. Still do antiandrogens though, (spearmint or sometimes something much stronger that does not fall into the purview of this forum whatsoever ;p)...... or I break out.

Patty- Yeah, Bryony has not been around for 5 or 6 months. I was wondering about that myself the other night.

Everyone else- At first, like a few have said, random erections just stopped, but eventually they stopped altogether for me lol. Which is cool with me, that thing is grossWink That being said, I crossed the line into pharmaceuticals, so perhaps thats why.

Well, since we seem to be going down this road, I'll throw in my two cents. After all this time my erections are few and far between. As others have said, the right stimulation can still, with some concentration, achieve a result, but size has dropped. When erect now about two thirds the size of before. When not erect we are insignificant to say the least (pun intended...heh heh). As to "swimmers, all gone I would guess. Tiny amount of clear liquid is all I manage (though it is still nice... Tee hee). The little guys beneath the snake are so small now they practically live inside most all the time now. Makes that awkward "bulge" very easy to hide.

(09-11-2013, 06:15 PM)PattiJT Wrote:  Hello Sarah,
Nice to se you're still around. Was wondering about you the other night, at the same time I was wondering about Bryony. Haven't seen anything from her either in quite a few months. Anybody know? She last posted about the same time I had to take a few months break, and I haven't seen anything since I got back. Hope all is OK.

I sent bryony a pm a few weeks back no reply yet.

Hope things are ok as well.

Bryony has gone
I had comms with her last a few months ago and she sounded quite down and said
A few things which I have to keep private

Not to sure if we will see her back which is a shame as she was a great contributor


(10-11-2013, 10:49 AM)julieTG Wrote:  Bryony has gone
I had comms with her last a few months ago and she sounded quite down and said
A few things which I have to keep private

Not to sure if we will see her back which is a shame as she was a great contributor


Sad to hear, I hope she comes back sometime.Sad

With all the recent traffic concerning BO, I've been wondering whether it is something I should be considering. My initial queries were much the same as those of PattiJT, and some seem to have been answered i.e. it looks as if the desirable dosage is rather inconveniently high and probably expensive, particularly if I have to import from the US. Also I still have some unresolved medical issues which make me reluctant to undertake a major change in program at the moment, not to mention that I have a four month supply of PM on hand. On the other hand, progress with PM seems painfully (almost literally) slow. Male functionality is no longer an issue since it is long gone and the pathetic remnant of the equipment seems bent on converting itself from an 'outie' to an 'innie' as it retreats into my scrotum to keep company with my shrinking balls. I used to resent the fact that I had been circumcised as a baby, but that now seems to have largely reversed itself. I do not believe that PM has done anything for my butt or figure except possibly that I have managed to lose considerable weight without reducing my hip measurement while my incisional hernia or diastasis recti has regrettably expanded my girth between my breastbone and navel. I have also experienced a dramatic reduction in body hair to the extent that I mostly only need to pluck individual hairs from my trunk, arms or legs as and when they become visible except for the under arm and pubic areas where density and extent are much reduced. I could now easily get away with shaving only every other day, but habit is a powerful thing. My face is much less jowly, but this may be more a function of weight loss, and my skin seems much thinner (and vulnerable to damage). I don't know how much of this is due to PM and how much to apparently permanent loss of testicular function caused by past prescriptions of multiple unfriendly blood pressure meds finally topped off with spiro. Previous attempts at NBE were never successful until I was prescribed spiro, but PM is now working without it or any of the other most unfriendly BP meds. We both regret the loss of male function, but have managed to work around it.

I too had wondered about Bryony whose contibutions I valued. and whom I felt sometimes acted as our conscience. I couldn't agree with all the dietary suggestions, nor that it was easy to follow a diet different from one's spouse, particularly since I find that even my own endeavour to minimize intake of high glycemic index carbs (because of my impaired glucose tolerance), and sharing of kitchen facilities, cause far more marital conflict than any amount of breast growth.Huh


It has until the last few days been a rather unremarkable trip down the BO road. Not much to notice other than some weight swings. But, I noticed something the last couple days that has surprised me and made me wonder what is behind it.
A little background has to be given first.
about 4 weeks ago, I had both my nipples pierced. For about 2 months prior to that, I had been using a pair of 1 and 1/2" cups to pump on my nipples. Did this 7-8 times daily, for about 5 minutes each time, though not every day as I would have liked. Anyway, over the course of a day, I would get about 1/2 of a thimbleful of what I would call a thin, white colored liquid, which to me tasted (of course I had to try it Rolleyes)) like a watered down milk. This would come from about 8 little spots on each nipple.
When I pierced my nipples, I thought that I might do some harm to these ducts. (I damned sure did egregious temporary harm to the nerve endings in my nipples!!) Everything has healed very well, but not wanting to rush things, I waited until a few days ago to experiment with the cups again. I was quite surprised to find that as soon as the suction began, they immediately began flowing. I can now produce a thimbleful in two 5 minute sessions. And at less suction than I was using before. Having the piercings, and expecting some negative effect due to them, I was not prepared for the results I actually experienced.
I am a little ambivalent about this. I don't know if I should encourage this, or not do it anymore.
The main question I have, is what is causing it? As the barbells are on the exterior, (mostly), I don't feel that they are having any kind of remotely stimulating effect. There is no spontaneous leakage. (Yet). As I am exclusively taking BO right now, is it responsible? I haven't heard of this being mentioned as a possible effect of taking BO. Anybody care to take a shot? Patti

Bo has made me lactate before. The more you use over time the more you produce. Bo has given me larger butt, areolas, and sometimes insane female like sex drive. Lol haven't been on bo in a month but I'm going to start taking it again soon since I'm across the fence as they say.


When you took BO, was it in combination with something else, or all by itself? My areolas seem to be getting darker, but not larger. Yet. I did notice that my nips started to get sore this afternoon. On a hunch, since I didn't pump them in the morning, I pumped them for a few minutes, and sure enough, they approved. I guess that will have to be done at least a couple times a day now, at least as long as I'm on BO. Did yours stop when you went off BO?

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