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Chat with wife


(14-10-2017, 05:16 AM)Jessica4581000 Wrote:  
(13-10-2017, 03:29 AM)jannet.duff Wrote:  
(12-10-2017, 01:05 PM)Jessica4581000 Wrote:  
(12-10-2017, 01:49 AM)jannet.duff Wrote:  My wife was going out tonight, so when asked what i was going to do .. Practise makeup, was my reply .. 
Then we talked about ordering a makeup starter kit from Younique ..through my neice.

Lately, when i pass a window or mirror I am shocked when I see my old male self, i expect to see the female me. Seeing the female me feels normal.

On top of that, when somebody is talking to me and uses my male name, for a split second i feel like they are talking about somebody else.
Looking good Janet! Does anybody ever comment about your ears being pierced?  I know for males having one or the other is common, not so much both of them. My employer doesn't allow either ( unless you are female) and they can only wear a simple post - nothing dangly

Alas, my ears are not pierced. Just cheap clip on earings.

Wow, they look like pierced in your photo! I wear clip ons as well, kinda hard to find these days. Once I retire getting them both pierced is high on the agenda list.

Aliexpress or the wish store.

(12-10-2017, 01:05 PM)Jessica4581000 Wrote:  
(12-10-2017, 01:49 AM)jannet.duff Wrote:  My wife was going out tonight, so when asked what i was going to do .. Practise makeup, was my reply .. 
Then we talked about ordering a makeup starter kit from Younique ..through my neice.

Lately, when i pass a window or mirror I am shocked when I see my old male self, i expect to see the female me. Seeing the female me feels normal.

On top of that, when somebody is talking to me and uses my male name, for a split second i feel like they are talking about somebody else.
Looking good Janet! Does anybody ever comment about your ears being pierced?  I know for males having one or the other is common, not so much both of them. My employer doesn't allow either ( unless you are female) and they can only wear a simple post - nothing dangly

Well ... I got my ears pierced last week. Even though I had talked about it often enough, and told her I was going to get it done, i had phoned around for prices ect. she still acted supprised and upset that I had actually finally got it done. To the point I took them out. The next day she admitted to was wrong, and she had no right to tell me what I could or could not do with my body, if I really wanted them then I may as well put them back in. It took me 4 hrs, ( she wouldnt help, even though I asked twice ) to finally put them 
back in. I assume work will be interesting tomorrow, as I work with mostly males in an industrial environment.

She did say point blank. When I finally come out full time, we are done.


If her love for you is so shallow that she won't stay with you for better or worse she never was serious.

If she can't accept what makes you happy then it is her that has the problem.

(22-10-2017, 10:23 PM)Mattilda Wrote:  If her love for you is so shallow that she won't stay with you for better or worse she never was serious.

If she can't accept what makes you happy then it is her that has the problem.

Or, did anyone think she feels like she's waking up in an episode of "Twilight Zone"?  What would anyone feel if the roles were reversed and you didn't want feminization, but our S/O's, Wives wanted masculinization?  Especially if we weren't dealing with our issues before hand.  I think people has got to accept, that everything has repercussions of some sort.  Sad but true.  It doesn't make it any easier, but that's the truth never the less.

Well, strange as it sounds I would tell him its fine to want a Willy. I don't see any harm in 
wanting happiness in both directions.  All of us can get along, we just need to realize it. Male,
Female... sperm vs. egg- in a dozen years it will simply be take you pick ( got to love science). 
As long as we are happy in the heart nothing else matters.

Unfortunately, i agree with Aria. My wife didnt sign up for this.

Every step forward I make is another nail in our marriage.

I'm with you and Aria on this. Our wives DIDN'T sign up for this and some are better able to cope than others. For anyone to say she couldn't have really loved you to begin with is appalling IMO.

Just a hopeful thought though, although we can probably all sympathise with her "all the way and its over" attitude, it may be that in the same way that she changed her mind about your ears, it may be that that she will be able to come to terms with it in due course.

it`s surprising how quickly things like earings and such become the new normal, yes it`s a step outside the comfort zone, but that zone soon catches up,  and it`s no longer damage control and laying low. Cool

(24-10-2017, 01:50 AM)jannet.duff Wrote:  Unfortunately, i agree with Aria. My wife didnt sign up for this.

Every step forward I make is another nail in our marriage.
Another old axiom says.  " Prepare for the worst and celebrate the best!"  Tough to follow, but I think it fits somehow.  Some people have a very Cavalier attitude, in that on this forum some basically say "to hell with her, it's what I feel, and it makes me happy!"  That's fine, if you are an uncaring Neanderthal with a lot of selfishness....   But after all...  There was love, hopes desires and a wanting to be a family.  As I feel about it.  There was no way I knew this would/could happen to me.

I know how it screws with my brain, just imagine your partner's.  If there was EVER any love, you have to have some feelings or your just a "dead fish" that was left on the bank of the river to dry up and fester.

(24-10-2017, 02:07 PM)Katie Wrote:  it`s surprising how quickly things like earings and such become the new normal, yes it`s a step outside the comfort zone, but that zone soon catches up,  and it`s no longer damage control and laying low. Cool

She SEEMS over it now, or at least we are talking normally to each other. We went out and did stuff over the weekend and obviously no one even looked twice.
Surprisingly, even work was a non issue. Out of 100 employees, only 3 people said anything. My response, I used to wear earings years ago, my holes had closed over so I got them done. ( not really a lie, i did them myself when I was 14 or so ) oh, ok .. And that was Basicly it.

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