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"You're welcome,  [Image: hug.png] if you like the gte results you'll love the ginseng combination, because it does something unexpectedly awesome. [Image: biggrin.gif][Image: kiss.png] the science realm of things. [Image: cool.gif]"

Hi Lotus,

Can you explain this ginseng combo? What kind of ginseng, there are so many types! In combo with what? GTE? What is the mechanism or pathway that is activated? I have read through many old posts and I don't recall ginseng mentioned, altho that doesn't mean it was there. 


(05-02-2023, 03:44 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(04-02-2023, 12:54 AM):hug:Eloise Wrote:  My body does well but, holy smokes,  GTE is aaaahhhhbmmmmaaaaazinggg!!  Coupled with D3, I feel like it’s going to help do fantastic things to my body.  (Thanks Lotus  Kiss)

You're welcome,  Hug if you like the gte results you'll love the ginseng combination, because it does something unexpectedly awesome. Big the science realm of things. Cool

Funny story… maybe.  

I was on my way back from a Target run and sitting at a red light.  I had taken my afternoon/evening dose before going so this is about 30-40mins later.  So I’m sitting there and my tits started tingling and itching like crazy.  So I start massaging and whatnot.  Unbeknownst to me: a dude in the passenger side of a pickup was looking down and watching the entire time.  I was shocked and must have made a scared face.  He gave me a thumbs and they drove off.  Blush

(05-02-2023, 05:05 PM)Eloise Wrote:  Funny story… maybe.  

I was on my way back from a Target run and sitting at a red light.  I had taken my afternoon/evening dose before going so this is about 30-40mins later.  So I’m sitting there and my tits started tingling and itching like crazy.  So I start massaging and whatnot.  Unbeknownst to me: a dude in the passenger side of a pickup was looking down and watching the entire time.  I was shocked and must have made a scared face.  He gave me a thumbs and they drove off.  Blush

I've had a few embarrassing moments like that myself recently too... but hey, if you got an itch... scratch it!!

Spent a bit digging into the BN archives to help rethink and update my routine.

Males produce 3-10mg of T/day.  Of that, 4% get converted to DHT via 5aR.  .02% gets converted to estradiol via aromatase.  Furthermore, it seems that T spikes around 3-8am.  Therefore, hear me out: 

Before going to bed: To reduce the conversion of DHT, should I focus on taking 5aR’s like RR, GTE, and WP with the addition of L-Lysine (which reportedly enhances those AA’s). 

Waking up: Hit the remaining T with pro-aromatase’s with the Ginseng and D3 combo?  I read about about boosting that with CYP-19 which WP and PM can do.  Therefore also take my morning dose of PM.
Add also MSM and Calcium now. Take RR and GTE to further curb T. 

Afternoon: Add healthy fats/oils like FO and EPO.  

Late afternoon (about 8hrs after morning dose of PM): take other PM dose, MSM.  Also add PC cream.  

A few questions:  I want to also encourage duct growth so what to do for prolactin?

Idk this is all theoretical right now.   Any thoughts?

[moderator notice - unnecessary quoting removed]

Ive not heard of gte. What are components?

[moderator notice - unnecessary quoting removed]

  Green Tea Extract of at least 45% EGCG.


There has been tingling and itching and they feel sore and heavier.  So all good signs.  Let’s see where this goes!  



Looking great!



I’ve been out of the country for a bit so NBE sadly took a back seat and, therefore, any potential growth.  Here’s what I’m currently working with…


(01-07-2023, 03:01 PM)Eloise Wrote:  I’ve been out of the country for a bit so NBE sadly took a back seat and, therefore, any potential growth.  Here’s what I’m currently working with…

Jealous of your nipples  Blush

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