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Prequel: Why I Chose Feminization


(16-05-2024, 04:53 AM)Graceful Curves Wrote:  I've been using a combination of PM cream from Thailand, Fennel/Fenugreek cream, and Progesterone cream.  Also hot lavender baths and a few other things.  I describe this on the first pages of "My Story:  Herbal Breast Growth and More!" 

For me, feminization is more than just visible body changes.  It also re-wires your brain, your nerve endings, even your very psyche to become more feminine.  It changes the way you feel.  I like the way it feels:  calm, sensual, dreamy, willing to relax and "go with the flow".  It changes your sexual response and opens up a whole new world. I personally love it, like I was "meant to be this way" but it was never possible before.

I wrote a poem about my journey to feminization:


I am . . .

Ruled by my Feelings and Emotions;

I trust . . .

My Intuition more than Logic;

I don't want . . .

To Chase. I want to Be Chased!

I feel . . .

Open, Receptive, Passive, Docile;

I seek . . .

Warmth, Pleasure, Comfort, Love;

Instead of Worldly Success.

I love . . .

Color, Beauty, Innocence, Peace . . . Myself.

. . . and it's Wonderful!

Picture of me:

The reflection in the mirror looks like a pretty girl, you may have had a hard time growing up but use it to your advantage. We all should be who we really are and if you feel your are girl inside than work on making that happen on the outside. you certainly have a head start with very feminine features I can tell you will be so much happier. No telling what life will have in store for you. On another site a person gave their story always felt like a girl transitioned met a guy married loved being a wife adopted 3 children loved being a mother, she said her life was complete. Any thing is possible  Heart

Ninja,  what website was that?

Susans Place --covers a wide range of topics check it out  Heart

The latest:

My rack . . .


My curvy ass . . .


Thumbnail:  My sexy legs . . .

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Two more . . .


Boobs are coming along nicely you are so lucky to have a starting feminine figure --all those painful earlier years have payed off little did your tormentors know you would be a beautiful girl Heart

Thanks, Ninja.   Heart Here's a better front view that's not so grainy . . .


(22-06-2024, 05:57 PM)Graceful Curves Wrote:  Thanks, Ninja.   Heart Here's a better front view that's not so grainy . . .

Coming along nicely definitely--- not flat  chested   how big would you like to get? you areas small framed any size will look great on you Heart

Like my nails? Heart 


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