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Hi Tomi, and congratulations on your progress.
Can I ask you a few direct questions? I have been toying around with NBE for a while, always taking it easy as I don't think that large boobs would fit well in my lifestyle. I still enjoy the male side of things... Anyway, recently I started wanting a more rounder shape than my boobs have, and possibly a bit of nipple enhancement, so I half decided to grab some E (progynova, probably) from an online pharmacy and see if it gets me where I want to get.
Can I ask you a few questions, since you just started an E regimen? (Feel free to ignore my questions altogether if they are too much or too much hassle)
- What changes are coming first? As I write, you have been 10 days on HRT. Any immediate changes?
- Any side effect?
- (personal one) Any change in sex drive and performance?

Thank you for your time. If you'll keep a detailled diary of your progress and changes, written or photographed, I promise that I will be an avid reader.

Good luck!


I know your question was not directly towards me. I have no experience just research from here, and other forums more geared towards trans and non binary individuals. 

From what I've learned is that the sides are very dependent on the dose, and frequency of taking the medication, as well as if you're using an anti androgen. 

Some people start with oral or topical only, no AA, and it's very slow progression. Some start with just an AA. And again slow progression. Some use both e and and AA and things move quicker but still take a couple months to half a year (again depending on oral, topical, or Injections). 

Since you have been on nbe for awhile, and your body is pre set up for all the beginning stages of hrt already. I'd imagine your progress would be quicker than if you were starting HRT without having any history of nbe. 

But like we all know we don't get to choose the changes and how quickly they happen to us.

Hi Shirazmn,
I will preface my answer with, I have been on a fairly large dose regimen on BO for 2 years and have stopped that day 1 or E therapy.

It's been almost 2 weeks now. I feel a little scrotum discomfort about 2 hours after I take my E. That's really about it.

I think the E has taken the place of BO but is much stronger, which is why I feel discomfort in my scrotum. On BO my nipples were starting to maintain a stiffness all the time, that hasn't changed, I need cialis or viagra to maintain an erection. So really nothing physically has changed.

I will add that when I tried to stop BO in the past I didn't like the way I felt but replacing it with E I haven't had that problem and I don't miss it, so I surmise that BO created a psychic change as well as a physical change.

I will definitely check in on this thread after my lab's to let you all know what my levels are.

Also I would suggest the only real expert to ask would be an endocrinologist honestly. They have seen many people and have seen all kinds of reactions and given treat for said reactions to medications and dosages. 

I feel we are all just trying to give you our best educational guess. Where as an endocrinologist would have the best educational guess to give you (since all doctors are just "practicing" lol). 

But I'm sure there are many people on here that can give us both advice on what to expect when starting E. I'm sure I will be right here with you in a month or two asking questions about it as well.

Sorry not wanting to hijack teh thread but to quickly add a response to Shira 
I dropped PM and went on E (progynova) and introduced AA , and latterly BO, changes for me have all been very slow.
Pm go me budding > E started filling them out > AA softened everything down below > BO is filling breast out more and shaping my lower half

Thank you Tomi. Your direct experience is particularly interesting for me right now because I'd use a similar dosage (2mg or 4mg) and I don't know if I'd want to go on it for long. So the immediate effects at the start are what I am currently most curious about. Thank you for sharing those.

@wee2er, thanks for that.
@CM213 I have to do this under the radar, so no doctors involved. Also, it won't be for long as I am hoping for immediate mild results and not a continued regimen.

I was going to wait until 4 weeks but I have had some early results I wasn't expecting, I don't think there's a way to really measure.

At just a little more than 2 weeks I have started having that uncomfortable feeling in my hips that I had at about my year mark on BO, since it is only present during sleep as with the BO, it must be more of a pelvic tilt going on, which I didn't even realize it was a thing until someone on here brought it up.

Estradiol picking up where BO left off.
That's all for now.

Hmm Interesting. Hopefully it doesn't not cause any lower back  pain or issues sleeping. Def keep up posted on it in the weeks to come. 

It's amazing how much HRT is so much more productive than any form of nbe. Just crazy, already seeing some minor things in two weeks. Granted you have already done most of the hard work through nbe with b.o. setting your body up quite well for hrt.

Yes,it comes with lower back pain, I imagine it is the muscles trying to adjust to the pelvic readjusting.

Your right, it is amazing. I just need to keep off the weight I have lost and get down to about 180 to 175. One good thing about loosing weight, my old bras that fit me pre NBE at 235 lbs, which I out grew, now fit again at 205, except the band is a bit looser, even on the tightest setting.  Blush


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