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Hello BO by Ian


How strong is it? Orally its better to take capsules, so you wont get like some insane overdose or something. I'm using it directly on breasts as part of the topical protocol. I'm soon five months in with topical D3 and it seems to be very helpful. Some of it ends up on my hips and thigs too of course.

Hi Lara,
The strength is 100ug/4000iu

I split a 10,000iu gel cap and squeeze it out directly onto my areolas. 
I help it out with a bit of aloe vera gel &/or MCT oil which I apply first and let that soak in for a minute or two.

Oh and just be aware, you can use too much, I know all too well, as I got a right rollocking off my blood specialist when he noticed my levels, ooopps !

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