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A defined answer, anyone?


(02-03-2013, 12:25 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I think the best way to take anti-androgens is constant dose multiple times a day and the best way to take estrogens is daily in the morning around 7am, but changing the dose a mimicry of the monthly female cycle.

You take the entire dose of PM once a day? Even during the peaks? Damn that would be a very tall glass of water lol.

Abi, Perchance did you reverse estrogens and anti-androgens in your post? I guess it may depend on what your anti-androgen is. SP may be OK that way, but I don't use it. Tried it, disagreed with me. I've seen someone in here mention that the half-life of PM is quite short, well shy of 3 hours, (IF I remember correctly). If that's true, then by taking my 6 capsules in the morning all at one time, would I not be leaving myself "uncovered" for most of the day?

However, if it somehow turned out to make theoretical sense, then I'd be willing to be a guinea pig. I might be in a daze, an "estro high" for a few hours, but what the hey!

(02-03-2013, 07:07 AM)PattiJT Wrote: taking my 6 capsules in the morning all at one time, .....I might be in a daze, an "estro high" for a few hours..

I'd be in intensive care with an exploded head if I tried that! The headache I get from excess PM I wouldn't want to wish on my worst enemy, and they start at more than 3 in one go.

Abi, the comments on injections and release rate are interesting. Probably true. When I used them, it was a minumum dose, 7-10 days separation. Maybe that helped to avoid a system shock? The best thing about them, is that they're like a fire-and-forget missile. One and done, take a break. The worst thing about them, besides the material used being risky, is that patience, (heard that before ?), becomes of the utmost importance. PM and high doses may be a compatible couple. Booby greed and injectibles at a high rate of fire, are NOT! If I was single and didn't have my "guardian angel" here, I would have been sorely tempted. For that fact alone, they wouldn't be suitable for most people here. (Not that you all don't have patience, just saying). Best to all! Patti

Pansy-Mae, When the ER doc asks what happened, tell him that some idiot colleague of his misread his Feng Shui and prescribed the wrong color sheets, causing your head to pressurize and explode.

(02-03-2013, 08:47 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  Pansy-Mae, When the ER doc asks what happened, tell him that some idiot colleague of his misread his Feng Shui and prescribed the wrong color sheets, causing your head to pressurize and explode.

very funny....Rolleyes

(02-03-2013, 08:47 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  Pansy-Mae, When the ER doc asks what happened, tell him that some idiot colleague of his misread his Feng Shui and prescribed the wrong color sheets, causing your head to pressurize and explode.


That's hilarious.

(02-03-2013, 07:07 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  SP may be OK that way, but I don't use it. Tried it, disagreed with me.

I think I've narrowed down the source of my asthma attacks to SP as well. What do you use for an anti-androgen?

Its not like I'm taking a high dose either, only 640mg of extract a day split into two doses. Those second two pills are not agreeing with me as of late.

It also hurts my stomach....Idk maybe its just the shitty Walmart brand? lol

I really don't feel like ordering any more either way.

(02-03-2013, 01:04 AM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  You take the entire dose of PM once a day? Even during the peaks? Damn that would be a very tall glass of water lol.

I do! Though I don't take the dried powder capsules, but liquid, diluted in yes, a VERY tall glass of water. Though it's actually a dixie cup... lol.

(02-03-2013, 07:07 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  Abi, Perchance did you reverse estrogens and anti-androgens in your post? I guess it may depend on what your anti-androgen is. SP may be OK that way, but I don't use it. Tried it, disagreed with me. I've seen someone in here mention that the half-life of PM is quite short, well shy of 3 hours, (IF I remember correctly). If that's true, then by taking my 6 capsules in the morning all at one time, would I not be leaving myself "uncovered" for most of the day?

However, if it somehow turned out to make theoretical sense, then I'd be willing to be a guinea pig. I might be in a daze, an "estro high" for a few hours, but what the hey!

Nope. Not at all. You see. Female hormones are diurnal. They peak in the morning and gradually wane throughout the day.

Female testosterone is constantly low, though. Well. There's a very slight rise at ovulation, but that's it!

So you want to keep your testosterone constantly low... at least, if your goal is the same as mine - transition. Of course, most of the guys here don't share that goal. This sort of thing would actually be pretty reasonable for girls with PCOS or similar conditions as well though.

For the rest of you... Do whatever seems right for YOU. Most of what I say only applies to the girls Wink

(02-03-2013, 11:28 AM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  I think I've narrowed down the source of my asthma attacks to SP as well. What do you use for an anti-androgen?

Its not like I'm taking a high dose either, only 640mg of extract a day split into two doses. Those second two pills are not agreeing with me as of late.

It also hurts my stomach....Idk maybe its just the shitty Walmart brand? lol

I really don't feel like ordering any more either way.

It very well could be. I've found that MOST brands add crap in there that shouldn't be in there. One of the most common being silica gel. Which can DEFINITELY cause asthma attacks in asthmatics.

You -MIGHT- give one more brand a try. Try Doctor's Best. I get mine through Swanson's. It is pure extract, no additives, and purely organic capsule material - completely allergen free.

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