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Could estrogen (PM) be causing all this?



I'm also sorry you are in pain and experiencing discomfort. Personally, I have never had issues with headaches, even while on PM. I have lots of issues with my back, however (and they precede PM, so I'm confident it's not to blame).

Is your back itself in pain, or does the pain shoot down one (or both) of your legs? Leg pain is often caused by back issues as herniations or bulges can press on nerve roots. Last year at this time I had awful sciatica and couldn't walk for more than a hundred feet or more without sitting down. An MRI confirmed I had a severely herniated disc at L3/L4, and had bulging discs at L4/L5 resulting in canal spinal stenosis. I'm happy to say that I am much better today (and didn't have to have surgery -- conservative methods proved effective in my case). Pain in the back itself is usually muscular rather than issues with the discs (and that's a good thing). Hopefully your doctors have it under control and are recommending the right treatment.

Anyway you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Oftentimes, back pain is caused by weak abdominal muscles. Walking seems to be the exercise I hear most often recommended for back troubles.

Your migraines could easily be any of the things people have proposed. Hormones can certainly be a cause as can sinuses or even the alignment of the vertebrae in your neck.

I hear that a newly legal substance in Colorado and Washington works wonders for back pain and headaches.

Big Grin

Well, you know, not that I know for sure, but people tell me things.

Hi Doodlebug,

I posted something similar in the pm forum. I too just recently tried pm and experienced lower back pain. Same area as you experienced. I do believe mine was from pm as I had not tried any new exercise or any physical activity. My backache went away when I stopped the pm. Its a shame to because I felt like you did about how the pm made me feel really good mentally. No brain fog or crankiness.

PM does cause lower back pain,

for some reason ?

Could be kidney overload so drink water , it helps,

but if not crank the dosage back and it stops quickly,



(24-09-2013, 04:53 PM)julieTG Wrote:  PM does cause lower back pain, for some reason? Could be kidney overload so drink water , it helps, but if not crank the dosage back and it stops quickly,

Thanks Julie. I can tell you however that the back pain I was having wasn't DIRECTLY related to PM. 1 trip to the Emergency Room, 2 to my regular Dr. and 3 visits to the Chiropractor, not to mention 3 prescription drugs, seem to indicate that my sacrum (near the bottom of the spine) was the culprit. BUT, I suppose it's possible the PM contributed to that by weakening my muscles or joints??? ...I don't know. I just wonder what, besides breast development, PM is or is capable of doing. Anyway, I was off everything for 14 days but have since resumed my regimen and things have been going well for 3.5 day. None of the breast development sensations have returned yet so I'm still a little nervous about what lies ahead. My back feels normal at the moment but I'm still going to physical therapy today to learn some exercises that will hopefully prevent a repeat occurrence. Thanks for your suggestions though. It's usually good advice for anyone who experiences back pain while on PM.

Yes doodle

I do think pm causes some muscles too weaken but it also seems too encourage fitness also so perhaps some exercise routines may be in order ?

E dominance is a main issue of pains also and that magnify,in many sub sets of muscles,

Glad your back on just keep it low and adjust

Have you had much breast growth yet ?



After about a month on PM, I was a little freaked out and asked my wife what she thought. She said, "Yeah, they're sticking out a little more". I think they've grown a fair amount since then but they remain within the "normal male range" at this point. I probably wont post pics until I think there is something of a feminine appearance to them assuming that happens some day.

PM does affect your circulation in subtle ways. I speak from personal experience. How that effect affects you is not so straightforward. In my case, it causes severe numbness type pain in the ends of my three middle toes, and increases the likelihood of pain in the balls of my feet, which tend to hurt from spending too much time barefoot on hard floors (not, not in the kitchen for the misogynists in the crowd). If you have some sort of circulation impairment in your back which has not been noticeable in the past, long-term PM use at higher doses can trigger it to become noticeable (e.g. starving muscles of necessary blood flow). Simply cutting back to a minimal intake can reduce the effect to a tolerable level for me, stopping completely really improves things. I'm not very happy about it, because it really makes me wonder about other long term effects of circulatory changes from PM. I guess in a few years, I may be able to report on that if I don't find something other than PM to try. I will also say I never had this effect before the R1 version, but that may be a red herring, as it might simply be that it took a few years to accumulate enough change in my feet/toes to be noticeable.
It is very simple for you to determine if PM is causing/exacerbating your back pain. Stop taking it, changing nothing else. Give it enough time to clear your body, say a week or more, although the change may happen quicker than that. In my case, when my feet are really bad, I find an improvement in my feet the next day, and significant improvement within 3 days. The boobie fairy might punch JustEmily in the chest, but she stomps on my feet. Maybe she jabs you in the back. These aren't commonly reporting side effects of PM and it has a very long history of use, so I suspect it is related to the high dosages we subject ourselves to over longer periods.

Edit: very strange. I wrote k i t c h e n where it says tractor above. I go to the quick edit, it still shows kitchen. I cancel or save and it says tractor. WTH???

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