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Let's talk about sex


Yup, a talking frog is worth far more than a temp girlfriend!

I think I'd rather have the temp girlfriend!
I'm so lonely, I gotta get a broad!!

(18-01-2014, 02:13 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  Samantha, I really do agree with you wholeheartedly. I, too, despise the binary gender model where if you are not within 1-sigma standard deviation of the average male or female, OMG, you need help!

And I don't think we should go around labeling everyone. With so much variation in the sexual/gender makeup of people, it's bound to do harm one way or another.

All I'm arguing is that it is very hard to communicate ideas, theories, conditions, etc. without meaningful vocabulary. Here's a few transgender terms that I lifted from Jack Molay's blog:

Body dysphoria
Drag queen

the list goes on.

Just to discuss the complexity and diversity of human sexuality requires an extensive vocabulary, finite groupings of traits and behaviors of certain transgender sub-populations, and an understanding of causal relationships. That doesn't mean we should put everyone into a box.

Interbingung calls himself an autogynephiliac, but then makes a strong objection to the suggestion that he has a female identity, even though he's taken numerous steps to feminize himself including FFS, crossdressing, and hormones. Without a common definition of the meaning of 'female gender identity', we can't communicate about the subject very efficiently.

The difference is being able to speak in terms of certain abstractions versus talking about one's particular situation. I agree with you that pigeon holing a real person by labeling is bad, and it's unfortunate that humans do that so often. Labeling should only be used to do rough tuning (what ballpark are we in? -- to mix metaphors). Fine tuning is needed when we want to zero in on the unique attributes of an individual.

Samantha dear, I love you, and it's okay for us to disagree on things. You come from an artistic background and discipline while I come from a mathematics and engineering background. We are probably worlds apart in our thinking about many things. But despite that, I love to read your posts and learn from your knowledge and insights. Isn't that what life is about?

Keep the faith.

CK Smile

I hope this is not an engineering background . But I have varioudeciplines in engineering machanical+electrical+electronoc. And I do think we analyse any problem to fault find and fix . The trouble with damm humans is we are compex bloody lot . Even my software programing background can't get round that . Too many variables.
So bugger the labels . I AM . THEREFORE I AM Smile


(18-01-2014, 07:05 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  Yup, a talking frog is worth far more than a temp girlfriend!
Yes, thats the one, Patti, only the punchline I know is .... "Look, I'm an engineer. I don't have time for a girlfriend but a talking frog is cool."


I didn't mean to drop out of this debate, but have been too busy trying to collect my jeep to find time to type in what I wanted to say! Tongue In the meanwhile...
Samantha, when I'm offered a statement, I tend to pick it up, dangle it in front of me, and then ask questions, e.g. happiness - I know it's written into your constitution, but what is it? One answer is of course that if you have it, then you know what it is, but I think I'm too much of a cynic to be fully satisfied by that. By the way, a girlfriend you don't have time for is surely only temporary, but a trail rated Jeep is cool. Big Grin


Okay, I relent. I really don't disagree, anyway. But, I reserve the right to change my mind. Big Grin

CK Smile

Yeah, truceBig Grin
Now, lets go shopping and have a martini lunch!Big Grin
Heh hehTongue[/i]
Anyone for frog legs? Wink

Great thread to read and think about. Thanks for putting your thoughts and experiences on paper Clara. Along with most of what was posted, I certainly resonated with the term "lesbian sex." Without going to the TMI level, I had a relationship with a bisexual woman a number of years ago who appreciated both Lou and Lisa, and she instructed me in the finer points of lesbian sex. Over the ensuing 20 years, engaging in that type of intimacy with a woman has been the most satisfying for me and my partners, not to say that penetration didn't happen, but usually after a long session of LS.
My current partner and I have our own form of it that we have worked out, she is menopausal, and seems to be immensely more receptive to the cuddling and touching, and responds very positively, which is fine with me!

And Samantha, I am from Bayou Country, I love frog legs and martinis, but have never tried the together... it's a date!Cool

It's good to be back among those who get me!
Hugs to all,

Hee hee
Actually I've never tried (them frog legs, that is. Plenty of martinis Rolleyes), so you're on!
I was just making a silly joke about the "engineer" joke.Blush

(17-01-2014, 08:37 PM)Scotti Wrote:  
(17-01-2014, 01:33 PM)Wuerstchen Wrote:  I have erogenous, highly orgasmic nipples. After I was divorced I had a girlfriend who went wild over my nipples. She said they brought out her "lesbian tendencies." She was like an aggressive male, constantly feeling me up, even in public places. She once did this while we were riding on a long-distance bus. She discreetly slipped her hands under a thick sweater I was wearing. Within five minutes I had a nipple orgasm. We were both astonished.

My wife enjoys mine too, and the more she plays with them it seems the more sensitive they become. To have an orgasm from just nipple play would be awesome!

Just work at it, Scotti. Over time you will rewire. In my nipple orgasm group on Yahoo there are a number of guys who started with no erotic sensitivity in their nipples and now regularly achieve nipple orgasm. Nipple orgasms are the best!

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