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Let's talk about sex

(26-01-2014, 05:57 AM)Wuerstchen Wrote:  I am a passionate devotee of nipple orgasm, and have been for many years, and am still finding new techniques to pleasure my nipples.

W, I like nipple play, but I've never experienced an orgasm that way. On second thought, I might have once, I'm not sure. What is the most effective technique for triggering such an orgasm? Is it better to do it solo, or to involve your partner? My wife says that when I stimulate her nipples, she can feel it in her clitoris but she's never come that way. Will I feel it in my clit (a.k.a. penis)?

Clara Smile

(26-01-2014, 03:04 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  
(26-01-2014, 05:57 AM)Wuerstchen Wrote:  I am a passionate devotee of nipple orgasm, and have been for many years, and am still finding new techniques to pleasure my nipples.

W, I like nipple play, but I've never experienced an orgasm that way. On second thought, I might have once, I'm not sure. What is the most effective technique for triggering such an orgasm? Is it better to do it solo, or to involve your partner? My wife says that when I stimulate her nipples, she can feel it in her clitoris but she's never come that way. Will I feel it in my clit (a.k.a. penis)?

Clara Smile

I discovered my erogenous nipples by chance when I was 19. When I rubbed them I immediately felt a pleasurable sensation in my penis and prostate. After a while I discovered that I could orgasm that way. I have also had nipple orgasms while women sucked or rubbed my nipples, but as I have gotten older that no longer happens, even as my capacity for solo nipple orgasm has increased. They now come in clusters of three, four, five or more.

I know a number of guys who initially felt nothing in their genital region when they touched their nipples, but they cultivated responsiveness by regular stimulation and after a while developed the capacity for nipple orgasm. Believe me, nipple orgasms are worth the effort!

(27-01-2014, 05:27 AM)Wuerstchen Wrote:  
(26-01-2014, 03:04 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  
(26-01-2014, 05:57 AM)Wuerstchen Wrote:  I am a passionate devotee of nipple orgasm, and have been for many years, and am still finding new techniques to pleasure my nipples.

W, I like nipple play, but I've never experienced an orgasm that way. On second thought, I might have once, I'm not sure. What is the most effective technique for triggering such an orgasm? Is it better to do it solo, or to involve your partner? My wife says that when I stimulate her nipples, she can feel it in her clitoris but she's never come that way. Will I feel it in my clit (a.k.a. penis)?

Clara Smile

I discovered my erogenous nipples by chance when I was 19. When I rubbed them I immediately felt a pleasurable sensation in my penis and prostate. After a while I discovered that I could orgasm that way. I have also had nipple orgasms while women sucked or rubbed my nipples, but as I have gotten older that no longer happens, even as my capacity for solo nipple orgasm has increased. They now come in clusters of three, four, five or more.

I know a number of guys who initially felt nothing in their genital region when they touched their nipples, but they cultivated responsiveness by regular stimulation and after a while developed the capacity for nipple orgasm. Believe me, nipple orgasms are worth the effort!

After I posted this, I realized I should have been more precise. When I touch my nipples I immediately feel a pleasurable charge in my prostate, that radiates outward into my groin. The pleasurable feelings in the penis emerge more slowly, as I gradually build toward a nipple orgasm.

(28-01-2014, 03:12 PM)Wuerstchen Wrote:  After I posted this, I realized I should have been more precise. When I touch my nipples I immediately feel a pleasurable charge in my prostate, that radiates outward into my groin. The pleasurable feelings in the penis emerge more slowly, as I gradually build toward a nipple orgasm.

That's awesome (to add to the word's overuse). Let me rephrase that:

That's awesome!

I wish I could experience that sensation.

As Robbin (Looking555) said, "[when] Willy stops working I would like to have some kind of sexual zones in my body. You have to have some kinda of trade off right."

So, tell us, nipple mistress W, how can we of the dead willy sect achieve a nipple orgasm?

Clara Tongue


"dead willy sect "

(28-01-2014, 03:30 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  As Robbin (Looking555) said, "[when] Willy stops working I would like to have some kind of sexual zones in my body. You have to have some kinda of trade off right."

So, tell us, nipple mistress W, how can we of the dead willy sect achieve a nipple orgasm?

Clara Tongue

Not sure what you mean, Clara, by "dead willy." I have had ED for over twenty years, but during that time I have moved my erotic centre to my breasts and nipples and now have more orgasms than I did as a young man with raging hormones. Multiple nipple orgasms have long been the norm for me. They usually come in clusters of three or four.

I have a Yahoo group dedicated to nipple orgasm. Among its members are a number of men who began with no erotic feeling at all in their nipples who now achieve nipple orgasm regularly. I was gifted with this sensitivity, but others have gained it, rewiring through regular stimulation of the nipples. Things like Supple Nipps can help. In my group I have a folder (Wuerstchen's Nipp Tips) where I have archived messages of various techniques. If you are interested, here is the URL:

(28-01-2014, 04:13 PM)Wuerstchen Wrote:  
(28-01-2014, 03:30 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  As Robbin (Looking555) said, "[when] Willy stops working I would like to have some kind of sexual zones in my body. You have to have some kinda of trade off right."

So, tell us, nipple mistress W, how can we of the dead willy sect achieve a nipple orgasm?

Clara Tongue

Not sure what you mean, Clara, by "dead willy." I have had ED for over twenty years, but during that time I have moved my erotic centre to my breasts and nipples and now have more orgasms than I did as a young man with raging hormones. Multiple nipple orgasms have long been the norm for me. They usually come in clusters of three or four.

I have a Yahoo group dedicated to nipple orgasm. Among its members are a number of men who began with no erotic feeling at all in their nipples who now achieve nipple orgasm regularly. I was gifted with this sensitivity, but others have gained it, rewiring through regular stimulation of the nipples. Things like Supple Nipps can help. In my group I have a folder (Wuerstchen's Nipp Tips) where I have archived messages of various techniques. If you are interested, here is the URL:

Thanks for the reply, W. What you are describing is very interesting to me. I joined your group to learn more. Your TIPS folder has lots of info to digest.

I'm not sure I have a nipple-to-prostate nerve pathway. I wonder if it's not there, or just dormant. If it's the latter, hopefully I can awaken it and start to enjoy the ecstasy that you experience. Cool! Tongue

CK Smile

(28-01-2014, 05:18 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  
(28-01-2014, 04:13 PM)Wuerstchen Wrote:  
(28-01-2014, 03:30 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  As Robbin (Looking555) said, "[when] Willy stops working I would like to have some kind of sexual zones in my body. You have to have some kinda of trade off right."

So, tell us, nipple mistress W, how can we of the dead willy sect achieve a nipple orgasm?

Clara Tongue

Not sure what you mean, Clara, by "dead willy." I have had ED for over twenty years, but during that time I have moved my erotic centre to my breasts and nipples and now have more orgasms than I did as a young man with raging hormones. Multiple nipple orgasms have long been the norm for me. They usually come in clusters of three or four.

I have a Yahoo group dedicated to nipple orgasm. Among its members are a number of men who began with no erotic feeling at all in their nipples who now achieve nipple orgasm regularly. I was gifted with this sensitivity, but others have gained it, rewiring through regular stimulation of the nipples. Things like Supple Nipps can help. In my group I have a folder (Wuerstchen's Nipp Tips) where I have archived messages of various techniques. If you are interested, here is the URL:

Thanks for the reply, W. What you are describing is very interesting to me. I joined your group to learn more. Your TIPS folder has lots of info to digest.

I'm not sure I have a nipple-to-prostate nerve pathway. I wonder if it's not there, or just dormant. If it's the latter, hopefully I can awaken it and start to enjoy the ecstasy that you experience. Cool! Tongue

CK Smile

As they say, Clara, your mileage may vary. I was blessed with a link between nipples and prostate, but I do know many guys who have successfully rewired, or awakened a dormant link, starting with no erotic sensitivity in their nipples. In the end their patience and perseverance paid off with nipple orgasms. I have one bosom buddy in western Canada who tried for several years without success, then one day he had a nipple orgasm. He now has them at will, often in less than a minute. I tell him he has the fastest nipples in the west.

Thanks for joining my group!

Okay, this thread seems to have lost some steam, so let me try to revive it a little. Seems to me that we've only scratched the surface about sex before and after the start of our NBE journeys.

One of the things that stands out in many of our personal stories is the one time dependence on porn and masturbation along with an inability to enjoy normal sexual intercourse with the woman we love and are physically attracted to.

I always suspected that mine was a psychological problem, not a physical one, because reaching orgasm through masturbation and porn was never a problem. The nagging thought that I was sexually inadequate, hung up, or perverted was a constant source of shame and guilt. I assumed I was addicted to porn, because I tried to stop, but couldn't.

It wasn't at all obvious to me that my behavior was tied to my gender variant identity -- a manifestation of my gender dysphoria. I wasn't even completely aware that I had a gender identity problem. It's only in retrospect that I can see the connection. I'm wondering if others have had the same experience.

Now let me preface my remarks by noting that I don't think all men who depend on porn for sexual arousal are gender dysphoric. There certainly are other causes for developing an addiction to porn. But, is it an addiction when it's simply a means for one to cope with his gender dysphoria?

In my case, I could only be aroused by imagining myself as a woman during a sexual encounter, or through a visual stimulus of a certain kind. Whether it was real life or fantasy, it always involved a woman with physical attributes that I admired -- no, ENVIED! Somehow, I would imagine myself being the woman I was having sex with, or the woman in the photo or movie. It didn't even have to be a pornographic image. Not surprisingly, I steered clear of most man-on-woman sex act depictions. Most of my porn collection was of solo girls. I was not particularly interested in porn that had the woman in situations that I, myself, would not want to be. Some of those erotic depictions had the woman in a submissive role, others in a dominant role. I've read that wanting to take the submissive role in sexual acts is common among the MTF transgendered.

I no longer think I was addicted to porn. That's because since recognizing, acknowledging, accepting, and nurturing my female gender identity, my interest in masturbation to porn is now completely unnecessary for sexual satisfaction. There's no need to exert will power to avoid it. How could I have been addicted when I was able to rid myself of it so easily? Is addiction purely chemistry driven?

I'm also starting to reject the idea that the loss of interest in porn is because my libido has been destroyed by my herbal program. My libido is not gone, but rather transformed. I now have a more satisfying way to express my sexuality; a way that does not leave a residue of shame and guilt behind. It's the one consequence of NBE I would never want to give up.

So, please share your thoughts if you would. How has your sex life been affected, if at all? There's no right or wrong here, no judging.

To stimulate your thinking here are some questions:

Were you, or are you now, dependent on porn and masturbation to achieve orgasm?

Has your sex life changed since beginning your quest for breast development through herbal supplements? For example: Have you lost all desire? Do you still seek satisfaction in solo play? Do you find complete satisfaction with your partner? Have you other means for achieving sexual fulfillment, e.g., writing TG stories, captions, literotica, an on-line virtual life?

Do you think the ingestion of phyto-estrogens (e.g., PM) and/or anti-androgens (e.g., SP) by themselves are capable of breaking an addiction to porn, even when someone does not have a gender identity conflict?

Feel free to voice any other thoughts this post may have triggered on the subject.

Or, ignore this post and go enjoy the real thing! Big Grin

Clara Smile


(06-02-2014, 03:24 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  an inability to enjoy normal sexual intercourse with the woman we love and are physically attracted to.
In my case it's because I can't FIND one!!!!
(06-02-2014, 03:24 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  In my case, I could only be aroused by imagining myself as a woman during a sexual encounter, or through a visual stimulus of a certain kind. Whether it was real life or fantasy, it always involved a woman with physical attributes that I admired -- no, ENVIED! Somehow, I would imagine myself being the woman I was having sex with, or the woman in the photo or movie. It didn't even have to be a pornographic image. Not surprisingly, I steered clear of most man-on-woman sex act depictions. Most of my porn collection was of solo girls. I was not particularly interested in porn that had the woman in situations that I, myself, would not want to be. Some of those erotic depictions had the woman in a submissive role, others in a dominant role. I've read that wanting to take the submissive role in sexual acts is common among the MTF transgendered.
I only did it because it proved to me that she really wanted to fuck me. If I'm on top, which I was more often than not, but NOT because I forced it on her, that NEVER EVER happened and never ever will, it's KINDA like saying, "Spread yer damn legs, bitch, I'm gonna FUCK you whether you like it or not!!" I want HER to be okay with it, not a case where it's me telling her I want it. However, when WITH a woman, I'm NEVER the "woman"!! I'm only the woman if I take matters into my own hand.

(06-02-2014, 03:24 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  To stimulate your thinking here are some questions:

Were you, or are you now, dependent on porn and masturbation to achieve orgasm?
I didn't exactly NEED it, I just liked it and it helped to imagine situations better. In most cases, I was the woman in the mag/movie. seeing a naked woman helped me to imagine what it'd be like to be her, to have the body she has. Seeing her get fucked helps me to feel what she might be feeling vicariously.

(06-02-2014, 03:24 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  Feel free to voice any other thoughts this post may have triggered on the subject.
Sometimes, when there's peanut butter and a German Shepherd, I won't go there! ;-)


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